27 years and you still can't make housing and containers secure

Mordin_RockbiterMordin_Rockbiter Posts: 102
edited September 2024 in Bugs
I have had several secure chests looted and secured bone containers taken with contents from rooms that only I had access to. This has happened on my main shard and siege. What they had in common was in fel, are public houses and all the containers were placed by windows on the main floor. 27 years and you still can't fix this. I am left not knowing what I can do to fix to make things safe. You are not going to replace things, you can't fix it. A full chest of tokens, gifts and anniversary items over 20 years old. it's not an account hack or else all my event items would certainly have been a target.


  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084
    I have lived in fel for decades with zero issues with my house public. no co-owner?  Maybe a set to guild issue?  Your spouse or kids mad at you?
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Mordin_RockbiterMordin_Rockbiter Posts: 102
    edited September 2024
         I have also lived in Fel a long time.  My first shop, just outside the gates of Cove in fel was purchased for the princely sum of 200k the day JFK jr died.  The only Co-owner would be my formerly EJ account and unless my cat is taking revenge on me for not giving enough attention or treats, I am a hermit.
         I don't play for gold, I think only 17 million in bank and if I told you the amount I was offered or the amount of help others immediately offered, you would think I was bragging, but I am rich in knowing many good people.  The amount would be more that the value of all that was lost many times over. But how do I go forward not knowing anything I try to store in my house may be at risk of being lost?  
          Much was sentimental in value, but deco and My eyes can't handle busy environments. Tokens like for jewelry boxes and other odds and ends that others were looking for, I do not even sell, I give them away. But because I give away, doesn't not mean they should be taken. I leave a gift box in which I toss greater, major and legendary items free for the taking. 
         It's a game, am I asking too much to have a safe place for things? 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,408Moderator
    This sounds like a new exploit, I know there was one like it years ago, but that was patched. The devs will need more information, preferably by email to uo@broadsword.com NOT here. IF anyone has any solid information on this PLEASE send it before the method becomes widely known.
    Best I can suggest for now is block windows with something that does not allow movement through it, and maybe store some items in characters' banks.
  • I have had several secure chests looted and secured bone containers taken with contents from rooms that only I had access to. This has happened on my main shard and siege. What they had in common was in fel, are public houses and all the containers were placed by windows on the main floor. 27 years and you still can't fix this. I am left not knowing what I can do to fix to make things safe. You are not going to replace things, you can't fix it. A full chest of tokens, gifts and anniversary items over 20 years old. it's not an account hack or else all my event items would certainly have been a target.

    If you could please send me a message with detailed information? Thank you kindly!
    Ultima Online Twitter/X - https://twitter.com/UOTownCryer
    Ultima Online Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/uotowncryer/
    Ultima Online Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/BroadswordUO
    Email - uo.fenneko@gmail.com
  • Mordin are you Moby Dick on Siege? If so I can tell you you had and probably still have some security issues with your castle in the Trinsic swamps. It took me about 1 minute to find a way inside a couple of months ago. So this might not even be an exploit just a faulty security setting
  • Mordin_RockbiterMordin_Rockbiter Posts: 102
    edited September 2024
     Hail Max. You know me more as Kelvar. I have a small place on the outskirts of Cove. After an incident where a certain well-known person used a "flaw" to appear suddenly kill and loot me in what should have been a locked house, I had the assistance of another to, I had hoped, to address those issues. I have been trying to hopefully fix the issue with my housing on my main shard first.
         I have heard of other instances where people have had locked down things disappear, but because I have been so involved with another UO project for this past year, I don't even have an idea when this actually occurred. 
         Fortunately, I did not lose my good looks, my wit or my favorite mount.  I'll deal with what is, rather than what I'd like it to be.  
  • I see two teleport tiles inside your house. Depending on where they lead to and access settings those might be how people got inside
  • It should be noted both those are located outside a secured room that only Kragg and Kelvar should be able to access
  • I have had several secure chests looted and secured bone containers taken with contents from rooms that only I had access to. This has happened on my main shard and siege. What they had in common was in fel, are public houses and all the containers were placed by windows on the main floor. 27 years and you still can't fix this. I am left not knowing what I can do to fix to make things safe. You are not going to replace things, you can't fix it. A full chest of tokens, gifts and anniversary items over 20 years old. it's not an account hack or else all my event items would certainly have been a target.

    If you could please send me a message with detailed information? Thank you kindly!
    I sent an email a few days ago, still awaiting a response.  I left my Siege housing untouched, but have been doing some adjustments on my Lake Superior abode. Still concerned about my security and would welcome your thoughts and suggestions on the matter
  • I have had several secure chests looted and secured bone containers taken with contents from rooms that only I had access to. This has happened on my main shard and siege. What they had in common was in fel, are public houses and all the containers were placed by windows on the main floor. 27 years and you still can't fix this. I am left not knowing what I can do to fix to make things safe. You are not going to replace things, you can't fix it. A full chest of tokens, gifts and anniversary items over 20 years old. it's not an account hack or else all my event items would certainly have been a target.

    If you could please send me a message with detailed information? Thank you kindly!
    I sent an email a few days ago, still awaiting a response.  I left my Siege housing untouched, but have been doing some adjustments on my Lake Superior abode. Still concerned about my security and would welcome your thoughts and suggestions on the matter

    I have checked my e-mail and do not see any e-mail from you at this time. I checked the junk folder as well. Please make sure you send it to uo.fenneko (don't forget the ".") at gmail.com.
    Ultima Online Twitter/X - https://twitter.com/UOTownCryer
    Ultima Online Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/uotowncryer/
    Ultima Online Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/BroadswordUO
    Email - uo.fenneko@gmail.com
  • I did receive an auto-reply email from you, but I'll see if I can resend. The email address will be from firimar. if you have access to the slack channel alpha-nls, I am Firimar there also.
  • Resent and another autoreply
  • Resent and another autoreply

    I received it and replied. :)
    Ultima Online Twitter/X - https://twitter.com/UOTownCryer
    Ultima Online Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/uotowncryer/
    Ultima Online Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/BroadswordUO
    Email - uo.fenneko@gmail.com
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