Individual and Guild Housing (recommendations)

KazKaz Posts: 140
Heyo Dev team;

Firstly: just want to say that I am enjoying the NL shard thus far, more so than I thought I would.  I find myself looking forward to the beta testing weekends all week!

On to the meat of the post…

We (the guild I am in, the FNH team from Catskills), have been playing around with housing. So far the concepts are good, but there are a couple recommendations and some associated feedback on the current system:

Feedback: The individual house areas feel a bit “slummy” with all the houses so jumbled together.  It actually takes away from the immersion of the game quite a bit. 
Recommendation: we recommend that the town housing areas be open placing, so that they can be spread out a bit.  

Feedback: We also managed to place our first guild house (a small tower), but unfortunately the placement area for guild houses is VERY far from the general public area.  It feels in cohesive having these area so separated. 
Recommendation: Open all town house areas to both individual housing and guild housing alike.  This would allow for some added cohesiveness to the land, and allow players the potential to create their own sub-communities and player towns; which has long been a big thing in UO. 

Feedback (from me personally): the housing options feel monotonous.  While I personally love the classic style only houses, it feels a bit off.  
Recommendation (again personally); all smaller houses, upto and including the small tower should be accessible by individuals to be placed i their associated towns zones.  All houses with the footprints larger than a small tower should be guild houses as they are now.  This would add some variety. 

Overall my opinions of the housing concepts are good but need to make some slight tweaks to help with the overall “feel” of the game.  

Kindly take my recommendations into consideration. 

Keep up the good work!
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