Spawn Rates

Why are the spawn rates for Frostpaw, Emberwing, etc. so low?  It shouldn't take 6 hours waiting on one of them to spawn to complete a quest line or get a pet that you already had to get a lure and book for.   It almost seems like punishment.


  • KelKel Posts: 42
    Given that these mobs don't drop anything special and they are already locked behind a Lure, I don't understand the long spawn times.

    What it actually opens up, which is actively occurring, is that people are griefing tamers by killing these, knowing that they have really long spawn times. So it's twofold, people are actually taming them, but other bad actors are just killing them to hurt others.
  • NorryNorry Posts: 537
    Being that they are gated behind lure and lore and skill, respawn on these should be instant to 5 minutes max, or make all areas where these spawn a forced consenual PVP zone so we can force trolls into dirtnaps
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