PvP in 2024
Just had my first taste of PvP on my old dated paladin (shit gears, no mastery, still hvn't instaled uo assist)
On an IDOC house on felluca.. at first i try to hold my ground (only two red characters attacked me)
They couldn't kill me.. a third one joined.. then 2 more blue turn grey on me.. I was on the run.. they got me with a paralyse spam (I had a trapped box and potion but playing on CC with shit macro/no UOA)
I res and goes back.. this time the red necro mage try to duel me.. when he's on the run a dexer join in disarm me.. I decide to re-arm a kryss for AI
As soon as i turn back to re-engage I land an AI he INSTANT pot.. it was like INSTANT the HP bar it was a BLINK -34 to full chugging a pot..
His friend were coming back so I had to run.. Then I call that person out for using cheat engine with no shame.. his answer was a third party cannot do that. (instant chug potion when u receive heavy dmg)
Is it what the PvP looks like in 2024 on UO? Everyone running around with a chicken mode auto healing program? Cuz dude.. this was PATHETIC; faster than blinking like INSTANT after receiving ~34 dmg.. the AI sound register a milisecond before his chugging potion sound.. very LAME!
Hopefully the war on third party is more than PR and BS will be banning them like they should have for yearssss... someone to cheat that bad and so openly.. legit chicken mode cheating engine automatisation.. he legit was suprise by my dumb opener (AI) he was still running into me to fight and realised he had no more weapon after chugging pot so he went back like 1 second later (his brain delay to register what his cheat engine have done for him)
Sad stuff
On an IDOC house on felluca.. at first i try to hold my ground (only two red characters attacked me)
They couldn't kill me.. a third one joined.. then 2 more blue turn grey on me.. I was on the run.. they got me with a paralyse spam (I had a trapped box and potion but playing on CC with shit macro/no UOA)
I res and goes back.. this time the red necro mage try to duel me.. when he's on the run a dexer join in disarm me.. I decide to re-arm a kryss for AI
As soon as i turn back to re-engage I land an AI he INSTANT pot.. it was like INSTANT the HP bar it was a BLINK -34 to full chugging a pot..
His friend were coming back so I had to run.. Then I call that person out for using cheat engine with no shame.. his answer was a third party cannot do that. (instant chug potion when u receive heavy dmg)

Is it what the PvP looks like in 2024 on UO? Everyone running around with a chicken mode auto healing program? Cuz dude.. this was PATHETIC; faster than blinking like INSTANT after receiving ~34 dmg.. the AI sound register a milisecond before his chugging potion sound.. very LAME!
Hopefully the war on third party is more than PR and BS will be banning them like they should have for yearssss... someone to cheat that bad and so openly.. legit chicken mode cheating engine automatisation.. he legit was suprise by my dumb opener (AI) he was still running into me to fight and realised he had no more weapon after chugging pot so he went back like 1 second later (his brain delay to register what his cheat engine have done for him)
Sad stuff
So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
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If i have to start streaming to expose BS incompetency.. i'll and it's gonna be ugly cuz this shit is CLEAR and lame.. Do god's work; like origin system was... BAN THEM!!
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
why would you need to stream? you just need to go to youtube they post the videos themselves no one tries to hide cheating anymore.
I've always wondered why no one on official was streaming on twitch.. they all on YT!!
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
At least the way I play it.
It takes a lot of commitment, and work, to get your style right for you.
There are lots of different levels, and styles, and you cannot really hope to hop in unprepared 1vs the world.
If you are serious, join a pvp guild.
Yes, people script heals quite often, although the good players will not, because it gets in their way, so you met a few mid-tier players doing their thing.
But you've come in completely unprepared, with no skill or experience, you cannot expect to pull an entire artform back to 1+1=2 because you are not ready or prepared, when we are doing masters degree level maths style pvp.
Let's be realistic here.. we talking about UO.. not Blade and Soul.. I did fat finger at least a remove curse and a bleed... 3 weeks of playing on your paladin and your master it..
PS: When u say good players don't cheat... bra.. c'mon now.. just the fact your using a client that delete houses and vegetation.. the fact u'd turn off your auto-heal (bet) would still be a non factor.. BAN that shit ASAP
I'll give it to you tho.. my MR still suck and I still got my old dated weapon... I was not expecting to kill but to survive.. when I saw that INSTANT pot on the AI and how pathetic and absurd the whole thing was, i just turn back on the second engagement.. I was just gross out to see what happen with UO under BS.
PS: u can say what ever you want but having an automated chicken mode healing for things like seed of life, bandaid, chugging pot.. your brain just need to register what's up and it's a great advantage.. a tool for most!
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
They don't need to use many of the sledgehammer to crack a nut techniques - the ones most people complain of.
Again though, honestly, imo, solo, it is hard to kill any player, this is a team game, and they brought their team in for you, that's what it takes to kill someone. (I don't use auto-heal in pvp - I do use it in pvm - quality of life tbh).
You are doing a 1vs3, and you think it was his auto-heal potion is the reason you lost?
The word cheat annoys me, it is so 1990's.
Or single account with your auto heal.. all u need is an auto target nearest then auto vacuum, QoL for free grind.. like on the troglodyte..
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
I do all of the above when I want to.
How does it bother, or affect you?
Except, I am actually playing it, not on trogs, or not afk, I'm there playing it, just relaxed.
Do you want me to start targeting your lifestyle or gaming choices?
Who are you to judge?
This is what I mean about the labels.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
You just admitted to use your alt account to auto heal you in PvE; go read the TOS, cheater.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Or I forget, it doesn't matter, I don't need it half the time.
I think you need to calm down, move forwards from the Spanish Inquisition period you seem stuck in.
If you read yourself back - don't you think you sound a bit extreme?
(farm juicy stuff for pvp... lol, you are on another planet there, I am well known for hating the armour system and thinking much of it is junk, I have never farmed a juicy item in my life, no matter how much I farm).
Cookie is the type to "only" use speed hack for PvE to exit perilous situation.. it's a QoL he would have died and lost sacrifice and all that.. auto crafting stacks of thousands of potions is only a QoL.
You never imbued a single item in your life? obtuse cheater, get out of here!
Just think commodity deed box.. u need to move into a new house.. the commodity deed box is what your using as a cheater.. what u call QoL.. we don't have any possibilities to LEGITIMATLY use that third party program like we can acquired the box on the vet reward system.. QoL vs cheating.. how many players got ban for auto looting/stealing most loot from legit players when origin system was in charge?
It's unfair advantage.. a tool for cheaters, until BS says otherwise.
You should get ban for admitting using an alt account to auto heal you in PvE.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
I've looted all the potions I use. 10's of 1,000's of them. Or I use the vet reward craft benches.
I imbue stuff for others, I do not use any weapons, and imbued armour cannot compete anymore, so crafter is out of the window.
Enhanced client is an unfair advantage. Other clients make the playing field equal. Or yes, take it further, but if you play it, you realise it is next level gaming. You don't need to get stuck back in the stone age period. Some of us want to progress, want a challenge.
I do agree, it is time for Broadsword to update the TOS.
Then u say u imbued weapons for others; admitting you cheating in PvE impacted the PvP..
EC is NOT an unfair advantage it's a LEGIT tool.. it won't let you auto heal your main account per say.. UOAssist also got limited automated stuff but IS legit but it won't auto heal your main account..
We do not agree i was being freaking sarcastic.. u can do the blind eye thingy.. but u cannot ignore a player reporting a cheater nor a cheater admiting to cheat on your forum.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
I pvm, because it is relaxing. I collect spellscrolls, or whatever I feel like collecting.
You seem fixated on the whole using a character to heal another character thing - I've done it maybe once before, I don't really need to do it, I prefer to use auto heal on the character im playing, than go to the hassle of having another character with me.
You seem to get fixated on things, again, you need to calm down.
Your problem, like so many Trammies, is you are greed driven, it is all you play for - I do not play for this. The whole conversation started because an IDOC did not go your way - so you turned your frustration onto perceived cheaters to cover your failings at being successfully greedy.
I don't really have any sympathy for you.
You want to be given stuff, when you can't get it, you want everyone else to be dragged back to your 2+2 level.
I do not cheat, I have progressed, I use my intelligence to overcome game challenges that I set myself. I am not interested in the greed that motivates you, I am way beyond that point.
I was like by making it easier and more relax with unfair advantages? (i said nothing too much non sense) now this is just getting ridiculous... "Why do you assume we all have motives of profit and greed?
I pvm, because it is relaxing. I collect spellscrolls, or whatever I feel like collecting."
after these two sentence.. I'm losing it.. you can't stop contradicting yourself.. now u make cheaters look like liars.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
and those automated INSTANT chug type of BOT action.. gonna be huge in a clean 1v1.. Felt sick in my stomach thinking most people normalize that..
I could tolerate the dude with 3 account doing PvM stuff 12 hours per day only one is moving other are automated.. even when i come close and receive dmg it would instant: in vas mani my ass.. I was like meh.. but who care.. he's the type of dude to optimise his PET collection on his tamer and never PvP and give items or help the noobs.. i'm not the inquisition in that sense.. but stream lining it...
like legit botting ingredients/items/botting the mining, lumber and all the good stuff cuz it does not hurt anyone.. no thx.. craft your thousand of potion with your bots if you want (auto switch full pot for empty grabbing more regs.. all that auto..)
I couldn't care less personally i'm dumb enough to go legit.. but when it touches PvP or PvE grind.. calling this QoL when it's illegal software.. ADMITTING.. legit admitting on official forum to use a botted healer alt account.. I mean wake up BS!
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
You cannot cope with individuality, or differences.
I may seem like a contradiction to you, but every word is the truth from my perspective.
I don't think you appreciate the work, or the learning that is involved in taking the game further. That is the challenge (AND, it is actually a lot of fun, building, and customising your character)
I got the castle plot.. i've move the alt account fel Keep to this Fel IDOC castle.. a very solid spot south east Yew gate, with tons of wood and mining and no neighboors..
I got what I wanted.. I went there for PvP and the plot.. I got both!!!
As for the trammie stuff, you are welcome to come on Legends for a roof duel.
As for the last post.. interesting analysis and perspective
I LOVE learning and i'm not rushing anything.. i'm too methodic; I see no challenge other than BS incompetency and a lot of grind.
To end up talking about theorycrafting? we was talking about cheats and you admitting cheating, but sure..
I LOVE theorycrafting.. you talking to the originelle mother f'ing SAPPIRE
Was doing Solo DF's on Lake Superior in ~04-05 with thieves admiring the beast at work:
edit: as for difference.. i just did the post before.. seeing a huge difference between an old trammy person scripting 2 support account and helping noobs vs a lazy liar PvP cheater
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
The first rule of pvp, is you have to adapt.
It always has been.
You adapt or quit, I've quit before, I know many have quit, but it is still the first and last rule of pvp.
You are refusing to adapt.
What you can do of course, is to try and influence the direction of pvp, but there is little point in going backwards in terms of technology or gaming.
This is a shamefull display and contradict your GOOD PR about cheater coinciding with NL beta.. clean that cheater posts with the according sanction, admitting to HEAL BOT an alt account on your own forum or hire that person for all their contradiction cuz u ACTIVELY doing the same announcing a war against third party and letting this admitted cheater influence more to bot the game on your own forum on a post denouncing them botters with illegal third party automated action in PvP.
If BS don't announce a war on cheaters using third party, i'm not here asking you to follow up on ...
Telling me to adapt and start using illegal third party on your forum.. your inaction sponsored that; while your mouth saying the opposite with a war on third party.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
I play the game.
This is the problem, you keep getting your knickers in a twist instead of listening.
I've said, I've used scripts to help my play be more relaxing - while I play it, in pvm.
Therefore I am also not inciting to bot - so your entire deranged 1st paragraph is incorrect.
As is the rest of what you wrote.
I also do not play New Legacy, and I understand them wanting to keep New Legacy clean.
You are getting really boring now - quite honestly, if anyone needs to be banned, it is you.
The thing is, no matter what the situation, you would refuse to adapt. A bad player, is a bad player.