Dragon's Breath is next enchantment

I was able to choose Dragon's Breath for a Hit Effect on weapons. For a ranged weapons has a 13.5 second recharge delay, but does about 26 points damage when used. 

Options were Super Salyers: Giantsbane, Scalebane, (this is from memory, sorry), Venombane, and one other I forget
Hit Area Effects: basic Fire, Frost, Poison, Harm, Lightning
Hit Effects: about the same as area but single target.

I will try to keep track of how many bods I put into the next effort. I am GM Carpentry, GM Tailor, GM Blacksmith, and 50 skill alchemist. That is four BODs an hour, each and every hour the beta is open (I do not sleep much and they will stack and back up for a few hours) Also, I seemed to get a chunk of 8 for each discipline at server startup Friday morning. The last hour of the beta does not count, so my estimate of available BODs total are 316 for a 72 hour beta session. No idea if two or more people working together could combine their BODs on one character to boost that single character's count even higher. Could see a guild get together to really blast their main crafter that way, quickly. Not sure if the BOD creator gets credit (noticed they are marked by owner) or if the credit goes to who drops it in the magic column.


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    What's your toons name in NL?

    Can a weapon get both a slayer and Dragons breath.

    I may have seen you in the Lyceum talking to others about what to choose. 

    I was there getting a weapon enhanced by a Smith. 

    Thanks for your dedication!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
    I am Japanese.
    I use translation software.

    It appears that I have been selected for that role.
    I'll put up images of the gumps for each option for your reference.
    If anyone knows what the name of this old and new effect is about, please let me know.
    I am still trying to decide which one to choose.

  • PinochlePinochle Posts: 39
    My crafting character is Mello. I see that Dragon's Breath is no longer on the list, so good, we will not pick the same one. For the area effects, venemous = poison, shockwave = energy, and frostbite = cold. I am guessing at all this, but good guesses. The second photo is direct hit effects and I think I know a few of them but not all, like wounding must be a harm spell, burning is fireball, as I took dragons breath thinking it would be flamestrike (is gone from list now) is also had a 13.5 second delay and burning is only 7 seconds (both for ranged weapons is shorter for melee) thunder must be lightning, but phantoms touch and evil touch i have no idea. the last picture of super slayers, I do not know any of their references to actual slayers, hopefully someone else will know. Also while you CANNOT get Dragons Breath and Slayer on same item, you CAN take a dungeon drop item, repair it first to get 250 durability, then enhance with either dragons breath or slayer, this is a big deal as you can get 50% to 70% damage increase on these drops and they will stay with the enhancement.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645

    Thanks you two!

    The power of the loot table went up when yall did that.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
    Thank you for your reply.
    I was afraid to choose an option, thinking what if I couldn't redo it, and then I found the explanation on the page.
    I apologize for the messy cut-and-paste image, but I'll post it here.

    I don't know much about combat, so I'd like to respond to requests as they come in, but I don't know.
    So please don't be offended if I end up choosing something different than someone else wants.
    I will continue to put in the bulk of the work so I am sure there will be more options.

  • PinochlePinochle Posts: 39
    I did not see these explinations, thanks for showing them. I already know what I will pick next (if I get a next time)
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited August 2024
    @TETSUJIN ; you are doing great !!!! 

    Jewels are up to 8 now!

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
    edited August 2024
    Pawain said:
    @ TETSUJIN  you are doing great !!!! 

    Jewels are up to 8 now!

    Thanks for the compliment.

    This time I added a scalebane (reptiles) super slayer .
    At the moment it seems that only one effect can be added to one item in Congiarium.
    I wonder if the number of properties that can be added will increase as it gets higher?

    Another point, Blazing has been added to the Hit Area Effect.
    I think it is probably the one that the other person added.
    Thank you.

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