Halloween ToT Event Rewards
Happy to see another event Halloween. Although I’d rather see a global event like Krampus I’m fine with another ToT. I’m always stoked for Halloween.
With it being around the corner, I’m hoping we can start considering the rewards for it.
Can we get a hell steed mount? Graphics are already there, (from animate corpse spell), I just want it to be permanent.

With it being around the corner, I’m hoping we can start considering the rewards for it.
Can we get a hell steed mount? Graphics are already there, (from animate corpse spell), I just want it to be permanent.

Kilt slot item I prefer luck but anything for this wasted slot
I agree new pets but we want to tame them not pop statues
luck apron would be nice too!
just hoping we can see some new things, including deco, without recycling too many previous items.
Or.. (not sure if it's still work, it was 15+ yrs ago) just buy a horse with your necro, go to a moongate; kill it, animate corpse, mount it and go through the moongate (any location)
It STOP his HP lost as long as your mounting it. (was working well/decorum for my PK archer/necro when i was messing around at Yew gate)
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the animated ones are supposed to lose HP and collapse
I think the statue is the bottom one skin.
PS: or maybe i'm mixing stuff up and the silver is EC and bottom is CC.. could be possible -.-
Edit: abort u mean bottom comment not skin.. yeah could be a bug but sometimes they keep bug in game intended (not harmfull one)
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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im not against the Necro idea for it.
The only thing it does is flipping over the real necromancer, reminding them they poor with useless spells.. from memories as soon u get dismounted or dismount it goes pouf.
The best use was to kill someone at yew gate; to ride his dead horse and show off while taunting
That cemetary teleporter would be another reminder of UO failures.. a bribe.. another contribution on ruining the world immersion with non sense.. what next? a totem to teleport on Lost Land champ spawn?
PS: use the city teleporter from vet reward and WALK!
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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I think it’s be nice to go along with all the other teleporters.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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edit: consider cinco de mayo, also!
Let's go wild
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(Not meditation).
Reptile and Arachnid talismans have not been covered yet.
Or Spellbooks?
I think very good items for most slots have been covered, except for legs.
An Offensive PvP spellbook would be great
{HCI + Hit Lightning+ SSI + Sparks - would be great properties on this spellbook.}
One thing I have noticed - is not many ranged weapons - bows, or throwing weapons have been added as rewards - maybe they deserve something?
Actually - as a suggestion - ask the Community Manager to interact with the player-base, and say what could potentially happen, and ask us opinions on what would work or we would like?
That would give the Community Manager something very meaningful to do.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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It’d be cool if the community manager could help coordinate the feedback.
Made me think though, they do not do so much for leather, and some players still like medable armour. Although I get it, refinements are massive.
Also made me think, maybe I will design a studded leather set for mages for them.