Gardening in bank box
If u have more than 125 items in your bank box your plants will stop growing/maturing.
another problem; ex: you grab a bag with X water pitcher, X greater poison potion, X greater cure potion and a single keg of greater strength potion.. It bug the poison and cure potion.. you will be able to water and g. strength your plants.. but when it come to poison and cure.. the sound animation/text will pop up.. but doing NOTHING.
This bug also bug your potion (like potion that was in a keg won't stack with potion that wasn't; mine was never in a keg but yeah they now consider as if they did, they won't stack with the bank box pot anymore).. the game consider those potions as KEG and this is why it won't register.
PS: the 125 items no idea BUT the second bug.. was not a thing 15+ yrs ago.
(the link screenshot is an example.. if I take out the g strength keg from the bag, I can use the potions)
another problem; ex: you grab a bag with X water pitcher, X greater poison potion, X greater cure potion and a single keg of greater strength potion.. It bug the poison and cure potion.. you will be able to water and g. strength your plants.. but when it come to poison and cure.. the sound animation/text will pop up.. but doing NOTHING.
This bug also bug your potion (like potion that was in a keg won't stack with potion that wasn't; mine was never in a keg but yeah they now consider as if they did, they won't stack with the bank box pot anymore).. the game consider those potions as KEG and this is why it won't register.
PS: the 125 items no idea BUT the second bug.. was not a thing 15+ yrs ago.
(the link screenshot is an example.. if I take out the g strength keg from the bag, I can use the potions)

So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
(always found keg to be stupid.. empty pot are cheap u just saving dbl click time before going to war NOT crafting kegs)
In this screen shot the system took my poison potion before the keg.. clearly just a priority bug and the system consider my potions (in the original post) as KEG cuz i had a G strength keg on me /bug
edit: to be clear.. set priority to KEG over potion, should fix the original post #2 bug
edit2:deadly poison prioritize greater when clicking the poison icon -.-
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
try that, arrive at the bank (your bank is full of plants rdy to be watered/poison/cure + your potion and/or kegs in the bank box) less than 126 items.
drag in that order: ~70 greater poison, ~55 greater cure, 2 pitchers of water and at LAST a keg of greater strength.. open your bags full of plants (i do 5 bags of 21 potted crops) and try to apply poison or cure.. (the sound and animation work but nada..)
after that try to restack your 70 poison and 55 cure on the stacked potion u originally took them from.. they won't re-stack anymore cuz they now consider KEG potion that do not stack with potion that never been in a keg. (this is the bug: cuz u placed, in your backpack, the keg LAST.. the poison and cure are consider KEG by the system when they are potions)
NOW.. to FIX the problem (what u must have done) take the g. strength KEG FIRST.. THEN grab your poison,cure potion.. everything works.. it's a priority issue.
PS:at 131 items in the bank box (105 plants with potions, water pitcher and kegs of potions); they stopped maturing in the middle of the process for 2 days straight.. i try to figure why on this character my plant were not maturing anymore... when i went from 131 total items to 123 they started growing again.
Since then to avoid bugging I grab the bag full of pot/water/keg and i remove the keg from the bag and place it in my backpack.. it also bypasses the priority issue (different container).. but yeah to recreate the bug grab the keg last.. your g. poison/cure will bug..
PS: I could also grab the same bag.. instead of moving the keg in my backpack/outside the bag.. it could stay into the bag IF i'm grabbing the g. poison/cure potion and replace them into the bag (priority issue.. system is like ok keg was in the bag then those potions were added.. all work)
Edit: i did not email since i'm just repeating the same thing just differently, no exploit to hide or anything ^^
Edit2: I was still doing science for the 125+ items.. with 127 items they did mature/grow.. seems like the 125+ items was not the reason why for 2 straight days they stop growing on that character.
Next batch i will set up 4x 125-150 items.. i'll let u know if it come back.. all i'm sure is i just remove certain items from the bank box (131 to 123 items) and the third day they mature
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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