New Legacy: Bard
Hello dear developers can we add binds (use object or cast) for musician instruments that tuned for specific spellsong like use object - instrument with inspiration, use object - instrument with despair etc.
Also wher i can get other spell songs, i realy miss that part if they exists.
P.S. classic client
Also wher i can get other spell songs, i realy miss that part if they exists.
P.S. classic client
@Mariah move this thread to NL plz.
Now about the Bard:
1. Thanks to the developers, I completed the quest for the bard subclass twice and smiled both times (no spoilers), although the chain was short, I still liked it.
2. Returning to the problem of the classic client, if we need to manage all 6 songs, i.e. at least 6 instruments, we need a little love to bind these instruments using the classic client, the assistant helps, but we have limitations on the number of macros and taking 6 macros only for spell songs is painful...
3. Every time you use a musical instrument that is tuned to a specific spell song, the instrument switches to it and when using the usual skills like discordance, provocation, you begin to use up the charges of this instrument with the song, which can be extremely inconvenient since for discord and provocation you want to use the instrument with the slayer and you need to click every time after the spell song to another instrument and so on every 30 seconds when a crowd of monsters is running towards you... (imagine doing this on an orc champion...).
I think the solution to this problem may be that after you tune the instrument to the spell song, you can no longer use it as a regular instrument, but in this case, it is worth adding an option to the mastery book to clear the instrument in case of an accidental click (maybe I accidentally clicked on the instrument with slayer which I need).
4. It would be cool if we had access to exceptional crafted musical instruments for an even slightly spell song bonus.
@Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna
When you provoc targets on spawn all dmg that done by provoced mobs is writed as separate line, i guess all dmg that done by provoced monster shuld go to the bard score? I think that will fix this problem.
@Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna
p.s. Classic Client
@Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna
Thank you for a great start to the NL, we look forward to future news!
Please add a simple but very useful addition for bards, allowing furniture dye to be used on musical instruments.
1.) This will make it easier and faster to understand which instrument is for what (for which song).
2.) It’s easier to mark musician slayer instruments (in your own color system that you come up with for yourself)
3.) will allow you to separate musical instruments of the same type through the item counter in the web client.
@Mesanna @Kyronix @Bleak @Parallax
@Kyronix @Mesanna
After a fairly long pause and as a result of the release of the last phase of server progression, I decided to return to the game and in addition to all the above changes and improvements that bards expect in the next patches, I encountered the following serious problem.
The cost of a bard’s abilities has a % ratio and in the case of provocation and peacemaking the amount is 10% or a minimum of 5 units of mana, which makes it possible to use abilities for a minimum cost with a 50 maximum reserve, but for discord the abilities already cost 20% of mana, which lowers the threshold to 25 mana.
Problem #1 - the mana regeneration capabilities of combat characters are very limited, which makes almost any mana value above 25 absolutely unprofitable and practically closes the possibility of using other combat abilities (due to the ever-increasing cost of the bard's abilities and insufficient regeneration even with focus).
Problem #2 - the cost of mana on characters with a high mana reserve also becomes unrealistic and unprofitable.
Problem #3 - I understand that it’s my choice to be effective or not, but in the end it turned out to be a whole challenge to have exactly 25 mana, items have a lot of characteristics, I have to wear obviously bad/worse things to be effective, this is a very strange design decision!
The problem with items will be solved simply by more variety and choice - I understand.
Solution: The problem with the cost of the bard's abilities is a real problem.
- I propose making it either deterministic - let's say it's always 5 mana.
- Or make the discordance abilities also 10% (it will make first trashhold is 50 mana wich is real to have and keep as fighter character without gear downgrades).
- Either, in addition to the increase in the cost of abilities, their strength also increased, I see no reason why I get the same effect for 30 mana or for 5 mana - looks very unbalanced!
- For higher mana, of course, you can introduce an upper threshold - let's say 10 mana, but then the idea of % cost will not be clear at all.
- Maybe then tie the cost of mana to intelligence so that combat characters do not suffer from this strange balance in which equipping better items only makes things worse, nonsense! - for bard subclasees ofc i mean.
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