June 30th @ 5 pm : Light Fingered Orcs
King Blackthorn tossed an ancient tome aside, and sighed deeply.
"Are you certain, detective? There can be no doubt?"
"None at all, sire. It is the only way."
"Very well then. It falls to a great leader to make the hard decisions. Not a single thief has been seen in our lands in ages, except for that utter fraud Riccardo. But, if theft is the only way to bypass this ancient orcish magic, then see to it that some of our most trustworthy people are educated in its use. It wouldn't do for this knowledge to fall into the hands of some scoundrel! Our guards wouldn't know how to cope!"
"Quite. my liege."
And so it was that the call went out across the land, that trainee thieves were needed by his Majesty the King. And, perhaps due to the shock that the call caused, or perhaps the people were too true of heart to even consider such an act, nobody responded.
Which was a shame, because it would have been a good night to be a thief on Siege. The thieves would have been called to gather at the EM Hall, and shown a gateway to a mysterious place, where their talents would have enabled them to take the source of the orcish power, and perhaps keep a memento or two for their troubles.
Still, as it has ever been, as it will ever be, there are no thieves on Siege.
He spoke of several devices planted around Britannia like bombs, set to explode and cause devastation! The base of these devices were secured to the ground with strange Orcish magics, and only the most nimble and clever of fingers would be able to pry them up.
As for the location of these bombs, the Meer who have been under siege from the Orcs had a Seer that was able to shed some light. And so we were led to their recently discovered hideout, where we were given several cryptic clues.
Far west of here, and a little bit north, the orcs plan their final assault. Take their power, and their plans are for naught.
It would be a shame if the mages got their hands on the power of the orcish artificer. A greater shame if it happened twice.
In Hythloth's depths, a balron's stare falls upon forbidden power. A true professional would already know these chests.
Elder Brae gazes in horror at the latest arrival. With power such as this here, you'll find no Sanctuary here.
In deepest Ice, below frozen ground, a fiend fondles his newest find. Orcish power once did warm, now it chills a fiendish core.
Fezzik has added a little something to his latest dish. Where this ogre cooks, orcish power hides.
A most deceitful brazier hides many a foe. Tread lightly, lest the orcish power blow!
Meddle not in the afairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy, and taste good with ketchup. Beware also the Shadow Wyrm beneath.
And so our forces scattered to the winds in search of the devices. There were 10 in all, buried in the depths of several dungeons. How the plot was foiled is of course a mystery, as there are NO thieves in our land. We must assume Ricardo saved us all!
This was surprisingly clever of the orcs, a devilish scheme. It seems not all Orcs are just mindless brutes. Something must be done about that.