New Magincia - Into A New Season

PitrPitr Posts: 182
edited July 9 in Catskills
In the realm of Sosaria, where duty and loyalty were revered above all else (by some), a group of paladins known as the Order of The Silver Rose served the god Torm. Their white-gauntleted hands upheld virtue, maintained order, and struck against evil forces. Among them were Lady Ash, a seasoned warrior, and Pitr (me), a skilled arcanist and master of VasXenMani, the Bane Dragon*.

One moonless night, a desperate messenger arrived at their HQ in New Magincia (Trammel). Clutched in his trembling hand was a blood-stained parchment — the Assassins’ Orders. Citizens across Sosaria were marked for death, their fates sealed by shadowy figures. The paladins knew they had to act swiftly, however, getting prepared, took them some days.

Their quest led them to the Citadel of Veiled Secrets, hidden deep within the Tokuno Continent. Legends whispered of its treacherous traps and ancient wards. The base of operations for this incredibly dangerous secret society was a great fortress that is hidden from view through powerful illusionary magic. The entire place was riddled with traps, illusions, hidden areas, and secrets. The entrance to the dungeon was still somewhat of a mystery, but is said to involve a box of some sort that isn't always found in the same placeAs they approached, the citadel’s stone walls seemed to absorb the moonlight, rendering it invisible to the naked eye. Carefully searching the area near the seaside revealed an ancient box engraved with strange runes (VasXenMani found it).

Inside, they encountered winding corridors, illusions, and deadly guardians. Lady Ashe's double bladed axe clashed with Tiger Claw assassin, while Pitr chanted healing prayers to mend their wounds and VasXenMani chewed on some elves right after poisoning them for extra flavour. Each step brought them closer to the heart of darkness.

In the citadel’s central chamber, they found the High Executioner, clad in black robes. His eyes bore the weight of countless lives taken. “Why?” Ash demanded. “Why these innocents?”

The High Executioner’s voice echoed. “Balance,” he whispered. “Sosaria teeters on the edge. Chaos threatens to consume all. Sacrifices must be made.”

Lady Ash stepped forward. “But not like this,” she said. “Not in secret. We serve Torm, the god of Duty. We will bring justice to light.”

The High Executioner lunged, wielding a blade infused with forbidden magic. Pitr failed to parried, getting a future new scar to his collection, and Lady Ash channeled the Divine Light of Torm. Together, they overcame him, revealing his true form—a fallen paladin who had lost faith in duty.

As dawn broke, they unsealed the citadel’s hidden archives. There, they discovered the true scope of the assassins’ plot. The targets were not random, they were key figures:
Whose deaths would tip the balance toward chaos.

The paladins vowed to protect Sosaria. They returned to their HQ, bearing the High Executioner’s confession. Justice prevailed, but the scars would remain. Lady Ash and Pitr knew their duty was unending, their loyalty unwavering.

And so, beneath the watchful gaze of Torm’s symbol, they continued their vigil, ever ready to defend the innocent and expose darkness wherever it hid.

*Bane Chosen Dragon Rider was the elitest member of the Bane Chosen army. They rode Bane Dragons on their war against the Ophidians.

(90% of the story done by AI)


  • PitrPitr Posts: 182
    (running some UO peerless quests, everyone is most welcomed to join in)
  • PitrPitr Posts: 182
    edited August 15
    During the next weeks, we will help each hero finish this quest:

    A runebook with the quest locations was added to our HQ. (send a private message for its location) 

    • Virtue Rune (quest reward);
    • If you are a citizen of New Magincia, a special city title will be granted;
    • a shepherd's crook;
    • Box with random reward (donations by our TormTar).

    Happy Shieldmeet!
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