EM Event Schedule | July 2024

EM NihilEM Nihil Posts: 270Event Moderator

Here’s the event schedule for July

Main Event - Royal Detective | Eternal Dream

Friday, July 5th, 10PM KST (GMT+9)

Meeting Place: Trammel, Britain EM Hall

While William Warren is dealing with Skara Brae Rangers and Huntsman, there’s an ongoing investigation in Britain. Recently there’s a drug called “Eternal Dream” that is getting popular in Britannia. It doesn’t contain any dangerous ingredients, and the alchemist guild confirmed its elements. Just like its catchphrase, it showed people what they wanted. Sometimes it showed their dreams and sometimes it showed their long-gone families. People were addicted not because of its ingredient, but their dependency. When they realize how addicted it is and the side effects, it’s out of hand. People started attacking neighbors because of the nightmare caused by the effects. People would do anything to buy the drug. 

King Blackthorn and the government gave an order to the Royal Detective to investigate to root out its source. Veteran investigators were dispatched to royal cities. Investigator Cailtyn who was newly assigned to the Royal Detective was placed to Britain to collect any information regarding “Eternal Dream”. No one would think what she could discover and what she’s going to see.


Please do not cast mass spells causing lag except for combat purposes. It causes too much lag for the others and EM as well to proceed with the event scenario and may delay the event.

Please do not cast gate travel to anyone nearby that may lead the others accidentally get into. I’ve witnessed someone who did this on purpose multiple times, and such action shall not be tolerated in the future.

If EM witnesses inappropriate actions including the above, EM will deal with them; not just pause the event and warn them but also report to GMs to take care of.

**Event Chat Channel - Balhae EM Event

Make sure that you’re in the correct chat channel to miss any words from EM!

Mini Event - Master of Craftmanship | Tinkering

Friday, July 19th, 10PM KST (GMT+9)

Meeting Place: Trammel, Britain EM Hall

Britannia is inviting all master tinkers in the realm! All tinkers who has a skill to craft masterpieces and want to show how good quality items you can craft! Only your delicate hands will be needed!

Governor Meeting

There’s no governor meeting this month due to we don’t have many active governors at this time. However, if you’re interested in this position and willing to do its duty, please send an email. But you must qualified for the position to be appointed. Following royal cities and citizens are awaiting governors:

  • Britain
  • Jhelom
  • Moonglow
  • New Magincia
  • Vesper

See you in Britannia.

EM Nihil

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