Kegs of Fortifying Powder... should they really be reusable, indefinitely ?
As we know, the Kegs to hold up to 250 fortifying powder are a Reward from Tinker BODs.
Now, when empty, they do not "poof" and can get reused indefinitely....
So, they become more and more and more... eventually making them so many that the point of getting them from BODs becomes pointless as already too many of them exist.
Shouldn't they then perhaps be changed so that they get, upon being generated as a BOD reward, a limited life such as to hold 250 charges and when emptied out of those 250 charges they go "poof" making it again sense to keep doing BODs to get them ?
After all, the bottles that hold 10 charges of Powder of Fortifying when their 10 charges expire, they go "poof"... why shouldn't also the kegs then go "poof" after their 250 charges they can hold are finished ?
Comments ?
Being good and staying away from this thread, I hope!
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Fill the kegs with pof. Players with empty kegs will buy full kegs if they are crafting.
Singles of pof are not common on LS.