EC: The Skill Tracker window does not always show all of the skills the character has

TimStTimSt Posts: 1,919
edited June 2024 in General Discussions
Due to lag the EC skill tracker window does not always show all of the skills the character has when the character gets logged in.  For example the character may have 14 skills but the skill tracker only shows 1 of them.

Basically the skill set data is not fully downloaded by the time Interface.SkillsTrackerUpdate calls SkillsTracker.Update the one and only time it does so on a timer.  The following code change will handle the lag issue.

In the function SkillsTracker.UpdateSkill in the file source\SkillsTracker.lua add the following indicated code.

function SkillsTracker.UpdateSkill(index, skillId)
local serverId = index
if(serverId == nil) then
serverId = WindowData.UpdateInstanceId
if (serverId == 15000 or serverId == 15001) then

local skillWindowName = "SkillsTrackerSkill"..serverId

if( not DoesWindowNameExist(skillWindowName) ) then
-- start of added code
if((SkillsWindow.SkillDataMode == 0 and WindowData.SkillDynamicData[serverId].RealSkillValue > 0) or
(SkillsWindow.SkillDataMode == 1 and WindowData.SkillDynamicData[serverId].TempSkillValue > 0)) then
SkillsTracker.Update() -- the skill was dynamically added so we need to do a full update
-- end of added code`

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