EC: SkillTracker window shows incorrect auto-lock cap when the skill level changes.

TimStTimSt Posts: 1,919
edited May 2024 in General Discussions
In the EC the Skills Tracker window will show the default max skill level cap instead of the auto-lock cap when the skill value changes. This is due to a LUA script engine compiler bug that optimizes out a variable.  The following code change will prevent that optimization from happening

In the function SkillsTracker.UpdateSkill in the file source\SkillsTracker.lua add the indicated lines

--start of added code
skillId = skillId + 0 -- work around to a LUA script engine optimization bug
--end of added code

if (SkillsWindow.SkillTargetVals[skillId]) then
skillLevelCap = SkillsWindow.SkillTargetVals[skillId]

To the function SkillsTracker.Update in source\SkillsTracker.lua modify the indicated line near the bottom of the function
			local displayName = GetStringFromTid(WindowData.SkillsCSV[skillId].NameTid)	
LabelSetText(skillWindowName.."Name", displayName)
-- start of modified code
-- modify this line SkillsTracker.UpdateSkill(serverId)
SkillsTracker.UpdateSkill(serverId, skillId)
-- end of modified code

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