This event proves to me the devs have no idea what's going on or what they're doing
Like we even needed that affirmation, but...
Void pool dishing out 100+ hats per hour per player while doing 1 damage per wave... while tmaps/beacons/other aspects giving a small fraction of the hat rewards. Yea, people are surely going to go dig up a TMap for the 2-5 hats it gives.
A 150 point best in slot chest piece that took several hours to get previously to a 80 point where multiple can be claimed in one hour. Same thing for the other repeat rewards, these need to be distinguished between regular ToT and whatever these Spring events are and NOT have the ToT rewards repeated in the Spring if this is the way you guys are going to handle it.
A luck helmet that sucks ass as the top point rewards... well guess who cares when you can claim 20 of them.
Now don't get me wrong, I appreciate that the rewards are easy to get, but unlike last Spring where the rewards were lower cost lower end repeats, some these are HIGHEST PRICED AND BEST IN SLOT TOT REPEATS for a cheaper price???? Hello?
Also, didn't learn anything from Destard did we? Bot armies go brrrr
Void pool dishing out 100+ hats per hour per player while doing 1 damage per wave... while tmaps/beacons/other aspects giving a small fraction of the hat rewards. Yea, people are surely going to go dig up a TMap for the 2-5 hats it gives.
A 150 point best in slot chest piece that took several hours to get previously to a 80 point where multiple can be claimed in one hour. Same thing for the other repeat rewards, these need to be distinguished between regular ToT and whatever these Spring events are and NOT have the ToT rewards repeated in the Spring if this is the way you guys are going to handle it.
A luck helmet that sucks ass as the top point rewards... well guess who cares when you can claim 20 of them.
Now don't get me wrong, I appreciate that the rewards are easy to get, but unlike last Spring where the rewards were lower cost lower end repeats, some these are HIGHEST PRICED AND BEST IN SLOT TOT REPEATS for a cheaper price???? Hello?
Also, didn't learn anything from Destard did we? Bot armies go brrrr
@Kyronix you seriously need to listen to player feedback as it's clear you guys don't play the game. What's even the point of it going to TC1 if you're not going to listen to over half the feedback?
A better option for this event would have been to keep with the Black Market update as the one half but instead of this goofy hat crap maybe update the void pool rewards instead? No wonder the void pool was always worthless content, look at the rewards! Hey more feedback they'll never take in to consideration.
Poolboy post in 3... 2... 1...
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Great Event!!
Players can get hats at a nice rate and fill those item slots on all their toons. Take hats to other shards for Balron armor there.
Any playstyle that will kill stuff can get hats, specific trade skills are involved in getting hats.
I am having a lot of fun!
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Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
Second, I'm glad you brought up losing money. The devs themselves have very good incentive to keep demand for these items high and not give them away too easily, as they're doing here. No one should buy potions of glorious fortune as you're guaranteed 1 point per wave you participate in at the void pool. Typically potions are very popular at regular ToTs for a higher rate/drop chance but the drop chance at the void pool is 100% static: you participate in a wave, you get a hat. Potion doesn't affect this, you always get the 1.
So yes, the devs have an extremely good reason to make the best rewards not only a bit higher cost but also points harder to get (than this event anyways) and keep them monetarily value high. When these rewards are on vendors for 20m why spend more or real life $ on soverigns to get a potion when you can just buy the reward cheaper?
Well, the devs should be concerned with this anyway, doesn't seem like it was given any though this round right @Kyronix
Grimbeard tried, Grimbeard failed
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Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
I was at the Void Pool from Wave 0 to Wave 72 when it ended (over an hour to my recallection), I was active a lot trying to kill as many Pirates I could and I got 26 Pirate Hats which I am not complaining about but certainly not the 100 that you mention.
I found it OK as a drop rate and I would certainly not want to see it nerfed. I do not have much time this time of the year to spend in UO so, if I want to get some of the Rewards, I need to maximize my drops in the limited time I can play.
I am very OK with the current Void Pool drop rate, if other collection drop rates like for Treasure Maps or SOSes will be increased, it is OK with me but personally, I think that the Void Pool drop rate is fine as it is.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
I'll also do some pirating and some mib fishing and maybe the void pool when my guild decide to go there. I can almost guarantee that by doing all the different activities I'll get bored a lot less quickly than folk who are knocking themselves out to amass loads of hats from void pool
Did you know that the dread pirates hats have their names on? Some of those I won't be handing in at all, I'll keep them for souvenirs.
You are the second person to bring up the gold cost. I did not. You would know that if you actually READ the post.
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Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
I just have two comments on this.
1: The script pool breaks the pirate event. Too many hats, 3months to go.
2: Seems I made both points in 1, read that line again.
Thank you
The void pool really needed to be properly tuned or not included (or cheaters dealt with LOL YEA RIGHT). However, the devs ignored the feedback given. Guess they know best.
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Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
That said, Void Pool is the worst aspect, and I wish the content would revolve less around concentrating bots and players into a single location.
Yes I'm hitting it very hard, you never know what will happen next in UO, and I want to make sure there are enough items in play this time, previous equipment bottlenecks have caused problems for players.
For everyone complaining, look at the numbers there. When was the last time you did Void Pool? I personally love Void Pool, and love the fact there is a reason to be there.
Seriously still wish they'd have done everything the same EXCEPT not added hats do the void pool but instead revamp the rewards.
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Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
But this does not seem to be an option, so this is the next best thing for now, until we can convince the devs otherwise
If they want someone to work on the entire loot revamp, I would do it
I may have missed your point a bit there, could there have been a few more reward options? Probably.
I'm like Popps, I do not get anywhere near 1 hat per level. The first 30 levels I'm lucky to get 4 hats. Then maybe 1 per level, but if I spend the whole higher level just damaging stuff, I get no hat for that level.
Hats drop nicely in all the parts that I participate.
I'll have enough for items on other shards. Too bad there is not a plus MR item for making gates to Artisan festival.
Sorry an armor item is not best in slot when it has no mana regen and stats not at caps. It just helps make more swords sampires. Because it is nice but fits no other template.
Is that a rare drop a Pirate Hat with a name ? Do you know how many Pirate names there are for Pirate Hats ?
With jus a hanndful of players, it is not possible to go beyond 40-50 waves, maybe a few more but those waves give little Pirate Hats drops.
So, give it a little time, when the novelty of the thing will be over, I guess that the Void Pool will no longer be a viable way to get Pirate Hats but thanking to the Developers, players will still have the other collection methods to entertain even when they are playing solo or with too few people to do the Void Pool.
I got my starting pack down to 75 for this, I have done quite a few void pools but have never filled my backpack. How am I in there for 75+ levels but have never received 50 hats to fill my backpack?
My FWW/Chiv Triton and me.
I think that is perfectly reasonable amount of drops. @Kyronix
What feedback did they not listen to on TC1 regarding Void Pool?
On Origin players complained about AFKers. That was fixed immediately. Now people have to contribute.
Also, there are things that you can do that are just as lucrative or more so than Void Pool. I have not spent a minute in Void Pool since worldwide release.
The only real problem with this event is all the blatant multi-boxing in the void pool, but that has been an increasing problem the past several years.
Attempting to craft the reward values for players that range from playing hours every day to maybe an hour a week is incredibly hard, but they need to keep subscribers. Which approach is going to keep or possibly create more subscriptions?
Personally, I think the new luck helmet is the way to go; it can be enhanced, isn't some insanely greater piece of gear, and even a person who plays causally, like myself, can obtain it. While I'd wager that most people will enhance it with 40 more luck, I do think it would be worth - if possible - exploring doing a similar setup for new items for events. Can they make it so players need to decide how to "customize" that piece in order to fit their needs?
As someone who leads a team that releases updates to code, I find myself in a bind of different groups with competing requests -- and often, it's a binary decision. I think this event is balanced in a fashion that greatly rewards hardcore players and still allows causal players to obtain items that were likely out of reach.
Do the devs play the game? I don't know, and I don't truly think that matters. They could play it or not and still make the same decisions.