I've Rocks In My Head
Well, I don't know if I'll ever have any luck convincing devs we should be able to find granite as loot on ships we pirate and pilfer at sea. But how about letting us find ballast stones on ships that can be used to decorate with?
I've recently been to visit the ants to replenish the rarer color seeds and was looking at all the stones in the tunnels. Some I know have been made available. Others I think we're made available for a short time and are rare (not 100% sure on this). But still others have never been made available that I'm aware of.
I'd love to be able to landscape with a variety of these stones...

So can we get more rocks to decorate with? Let us find them next to the granite stashes found on ships. ;o)
I think it would be a good idea if a GM miner has a very rare chance to mine them up. Only paid accounts could benefit from them (since EJ chars can't deco anyways, because of no storage)
disclaimer: Sally Trees built the original design during the first contest. I recreated it with permission using screenshots of the outside design. I changed the walls, flooring and added interior walls. (re-creating a look isn't is as easy as it sounds. Especially when you had never worked on a roof before.)