idocs need fixing

so the new idoc way is so bad. its like the new event for uo 100s show up and the scripters still win. then have scripts that hind ever one and still loot like 1 barrel and get 3-6 items lol. same with home placement. then win ever plot. believe or not people quit over this. this see how its unfair and so out of hand. and now that theres still huge pops  at idocs then came up with a way to dc u now lol. idocs just need to go a way trash all the items poof them, plots need a lotto stone and after 2 hours a winner is picked. only payed accts can put in a ticket.any stone that dont get 1 ticket in 2 hours  land becomes open for plament. if tickets place 1 winner is picked and has 48 hours to place home. easy fix. the days of idocs are over. this is fair and best for all


  • usernameusername Posts: 1,013
    edited March 2024
    Unfortunately the way it sounds from meet and greets over the years is that the current IDOC system is end game and will not be changed, despite the overwhelming majority of players wanting:
    • Items: destroyed OR packed up, to be retrieved by the owner at a later date (at a price).
    • Plot: raffle style.
    The plot specifically is almost unanimously wanted by players to go to a raffle system. Items being able to be retrieved by their owner for a fee (say, $12.99 a month the acct was inactive?) would not only retain players but be a source of income. Really is wild such an antiquated system still exists where you can lose 95%+ of your items for not playing for a few months... who's going to come back to a game where their castle fell with 25 years of items in it? LOL. At the time the game was released it was common for games to be a bit more hardcore like this but in todays age I would NEVER start to play a new game with such rules.
    steven said:
    believe or not people quit over this.
    I 100% believe you. Honestly, this may be the best course of action for you at this point: vote with your wallet. I am in a similar situation where there are several aspects of the game I'm just completely fed up with due to dev negligence over rampant cheating. I have closed multiple accounts and plan to be fully out soon. They need to wake up and realize the silent majority of players are quitting because of stuff like this.
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • stevensteven Posts: 123
    yep items in the home go to storage system be cool and then pay to get them back in fine.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,906
    And when the player dies in real life should their game stuff be kept in storage forever?
  • psychopsycho Posts: 364
    edited March 2024
    Items packed up and sold to the highest bidder,  isnt that what the EJ boxes in brit are supposed to?  the system were never active was it.

    for years and decades weve had people placing great houses and castles on a shard they dont play.  And also first loot the idoc items first ofcourse.  It is well known to the devs. Houses are placed within miliseconds of the time ends, more or less same group of people get the houses.

    The fact that EJ cant loot idocs made them subscribe, the fact that you cant have many EJ online on same shard made them subscribe, which makes it look good on the subscriptions numbers, but other than that no real limitation.

    The solution?
    Loved the old style IDOCs - but it doesnt work today
    Didnt love the new style IDOCs - but it was more fair.

    I say pack it all up, rafle the loot to 3 random people on the stone,
    raffle the house to 1 person on the stone, and they have 48hours to loot/place house or just delete it and open house space for anyone.

    what will happend then? people will create 9999 accounts and enter on the raffle stone, but make it one vote pr account, and only subscribed accounts. It will creat alot of work and possible subscriptions if people want to break the system, and even if they try they wont succeed 100% on every IDOC. Remember theres like 20idocs everyday on differen shards, you cant enter all right.

  • psychopsycho Posts: 364
    There are actually a couple of other solutions not mentioned,

    1: Have all IDOCs on all shards fall at the exact same time. (cant be everywhere can you)
    2: Have all IDOCs fall at random times without telling when. at the current system or the previous you could do math and figure out the time of falling, however if you add some random timers in there you could make it 100% random.    Now people could place loot chars in tram for hours and hours,  but you cant do this in felucca IDOCs.

    I doubt devs will dedicated time to any of the solutions, given all the content going on, but atleast the solutions are suggested and can be noted for the future.

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,358
    Honestly I don't care one way or the other about IDOCs every since they destroyed all the vet rewards and resources (those are the only things I'd really go for - I don't care about EM rewards).

    That said, for the people asking for a raffle; be careful what you wish for because I think they are missing the fact that people like AR (and likely a few others) literally have 30+ paid accounts. That means they are probably going to get 75% of the houses anyway because at that point they don't even need to wait at a house plot attempting to place with their army of accounts. They can just gate them all to the raffle stones and keep it moving... it actually makes it easier for those people.

    Then again... maybe those are the same people saying they want a raffle system. B)
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,073
    edited March 2024
    When idocs went pear shoes I suggested random falling. No warning on sign. This encourages explorers to go search for idocs. Have a much longer decay time. Say an 3/5 hours to give rewards for explorers or “idoc hunters” remember them? Return ALL items including vet rewards and large stackable piles  
    this was an idea when shards like Europa was full, might on out differently now there is so much space

    not sure about now. But Atlantic could sure do this.  And remove placement timer

    if you have a place to yourself you should be free to replace the house or place a loot house

    i remember the heart trauma it used to cause when u had a loaded house to yourself and you were panic dragging everything before someone else arrived

    i would love this change

    and NO announcements by NPC no free passes

    And NO LOUD MOUTHS in gen chat 

    return the idoc play style to 

    rewards those that find idocs

    NO EJ privileges, paid contributors only 
    NO EJ wanderers like in the past 

    imagine the rush you would feel stumbling across a castle that’s has fallen, and it’s all yours 

    this is how you rebuild an idocer community who join together to search, and can share the rewards if they wish to with friends 

  • OreoglOreogl Posts: 543
    Oh man, please no more.  Every idoc change has subsequently become worse.  

    Next step:  delete it all.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,379Moderator
    I'm going to class this as 'reopening a locked thread'
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