Why was horse removed from the Kal Xen spell?
You know, youre in a hurry, you just need that horse to run. You pull up the magical spellbook and 3 magical seconds later: A panther, an alligator, a walrus, a snow lepard, another alligator, a brow bear, a polar bear, a scorpion, another walrus, a giat serpent, a grey wolf, another panter, a grizly bear.... I could go on an on, I am no longer in a hurry, but still in need of a horse.
So the question boils down to, why was a horse removed from the level 5 spell summon creature (Kal Xen)?
Its the only usefull creature lol
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Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Hates me too as it happens.
I can give you an ethy, don't need to 'magic' that up.
I may be privileged, but can hardly call myself a kid anymore.
The whole "You're trying to make the game easier" argument is flawed. There's definitely a spectrum and "Too Easy" is on it, but there's a lot of area in between what we have now and "Too Easy."
Being able to choose would be nice. But this is more of a quality of life thing than a difficulty thing.
Why did thread continue after the OP was wrong, you can make a horse.
There's no argument for not having a gump for the spell to choose the form. Or for Create Food for that matter.
Things must be going well in UO if the randomness of the create food spell is a major issue.
No one said it was a major issue either. You're exaggerating because again... you don't have an argument against giving it a gump.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
But, just saying "It's always been like that." is completely ignoring the point.
I saw it the first time you posted it. I'm not one of those that minds having people reply to me or topics getting posts. That's another weird thing I've noticed on this forum. Why are people so annoyed that conversation is happening? Just having a back and forth is not bad. Are we not here to talk about things? Even with a Pawain or Frodo? If they have terrible arguments, just tell them they have terrible arguments. It's not a big deal. I understand that they are the chronically online types and want the last word. It doesn't bother me.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Long ago Lord British called all of the guilds in the lands controlled by Brittania to a meeting to create
The Fair Trades and Practices of Britannia.
Much debate insued over these topics. I'll highlight some posed by this thread.
Article 6: Food products.
Paragraph C section 2.
Food products produced as a result of magic or conjuring, including food created from objects must have an element of randomness. Only approved food products listed in section 4 can be produced by magic.
Food products created by magical means must have equivalent shelf life and nutritional values of same food created by farmers or tradesmen. Specific food choices can only be sold by approved vendors listed in section 5.
A similar section has the conjuring of live animals.
Mariah can post a link to this document in its entirety.
Unless Lord British was eating people who turned into Horses, what's the argument for that one?
Spot on Mariah! It's basic return on (time) investment. A bit off topic for this thread but my understanding of the situation is that this is basically what the Dev team has done for adding new items to the game via ToT (ie points to claim something off a vendor) rather than retooling loot tables and how RNG would work.
And there is also the comparison of what others are able to do and what the professional team is able to do. So when you bring up time and costs, people are naturally going to compare. I'm just using a bit of old fashioned common sense.
Well said!
A player could find the vendor that buys Apple's for the highest price and make apples constantly and sell them without having to buy and sell from a different vendor.
A player would stand at the Zoo and make polar bears without having to tame them.
The randomness makes these actions messy.
You have to consider what players would do when making changes.
Dear UO Players
I want my EASY Button so would you please stop using your brain and coming up with logical reasons why I should not get my easy button. Stomps foot and walks away crying, they hurt my feelings.