Vendor Search : something odd happened to a search...

I was looking for an item on Vendor Search and there were 6 at 10,000 gp listed (it is a cheap, ordinary item).

I clicked to get the Map for the very first 3 listed and I got the message "That item is no longer for sale" and no Map was generated.
Then, I clicked to get the Map for the following 3 listed items and I did get 3 Maps to the Vendor that had them.

Yet, I thought to re-run the Search to see if the listing had been cleared of the first 3 items no longer available for sale and, to my great surprise, this time the search turned out no listing at all for the 6 items at 10,000 gp which, the first search returned... not even those second 3 listed for which I already got a Map to the Vendor sitting in my backpack !!

Out of curiosity, I went to that vendor to see if the items were in its inventory and, yes, they were there. Yet, I did not buy them, returned to a Town and run the Search again and this time, these 3 items available for sale on the Vendor were returned by the Search and showed up among all those available for purchase.

This is the very first time that this happens to me. Items present on Vendors and listed up for sale that might not be reported by the Search Query ?

I found this odd.


  • shootgunshootgun Posts: 321
    edited March 10
    I am not sure how broadsword/UO has their infra set up. That being said, it seems like the cache between their database and API endpoints had some kind of a hiccup. Looks like everything went back to normal once the cache refreshed itself from the DB.
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