We need new quality mage items
Unless you are a mid-centery average mage, theres a great need for new quality mage items.
These are the existing ones:

Pretty sure Ive seen these low-quality mage items in use before,
oh yes there it is

Together we make the game greather!

There’s other mage items like the scholars halo, the new armor and wand from last event, dr specters lenses, cuffs of the archmage etc.
You left out so many of the newer items.
I’m always in favor of new mage gear, but I didn’t know people even still use scrappers. I use the higher SDI books and wand if needed.
Hook's shield, is lovely for pvm for example.
The Spellbooks are also great for PvM.
Pure Mages could use some upgraded PvP gear.
Jewels. Shield. Spellbook for starters.
Jewels - The clean-up set is actually really good for dexxers, and mages for pvm.
Could use a PvP set - as a VvV reward, this is crying out, and so obvious, and don't make them antique pls.
You did release 1 ring, which was quite cool, but needed to be a set, and the matching bracelet was not as good, did not balance properties - having said that - they were decent, but I found it hard to get them into a suit.
Shield. Wooden. Soul Charge 30 + Reactive Paralyse + DCI 15 + Spell Channelling + 0 FC.
Anything else would be a bonus - Stats, or Eater.
Could be enhanced - as Wooden. Forged Metal Tool of Artifacts.
Spellbook - have posted this before.
I do appreciate the Tunic, and the Gloves. And a couple of other pieces - Artio's sash/Mushroom Belt, Bogling Boots and the Feudal Cloak/Sash.
For PvP Mages, the really important thing to bear in mind, is we are trying to balance properties.
200 LRC on a suit, is a wasted opportunity, if we have 0 Damage Eater.
A lot has improved I think, but my opinion is, other templates are finding it so much easier to get the properties they want.
Hit Points is almost becoming too much now - as in the Max Cap is 25 beyond which point it is wasted.
DCI often over-caps if on ring/brace/shield + Slither, so there is room to get some HCI in.
HCI did appear on the Earrings - does not appear on Shields as a rule.
Fire Eater, and Damage Eater important, there has been good movement here, but still hard to balance.
Resists always over-cap, we can go less here, to achieve other properties - like Stats, Eaters, Regens, DCI, HCI, SDI cap.
My feeling is, it gets left down to the Jewels, to perform some magical balancing act for the suit, and this area, is just so random - and hard.
Royal Circlet even - as this has a jewel in it.
And........ any chance of a Back Transmog item - the cloak gets in the way a bit, and the quiver, while nice, isn't the best look for a mage - any chance of a Mage Back-slot item - much for the same reason as the robe went to Epps, for appearances sake?
We would exist, if we could, we never went out of style, we were nerfed into extinction...
The closest you’ll get is what, a parry wrestle mage? And that’s with an SDI nerf.
I’ve used parry for as long as I can remember on my mage(s). A minimum rolling around with a weapon in hand, ie bokuto, so I dont/didn’t get completely smoked out of the gates lol.
Meaning, you want to make pure mages stronger... so you buff pure mages by adding sick artifacts, then parry mages inherently become stronger as well because they also benefit from the new mage items *in most cases*
Similarly it’s like asking to nerf dex templates because you chose not to use parry.
The parry nerf has been a request, of which I assume are dex templates, for years. I’ve always made the argument for
damage output in these scenarios.
Some templates I do believe probably do need nerfed, like using evasion with Margery. However stand alone parry does not regardless of template.
I didn't say remove parry completely from mages, I simply asked for a decrease in block chance if you have parry + magery. This isn't a game breaking change. I'm talking -15% -20% difference.
Stand alone parry is 35% and weapon skill alone is 50%.
You’re going to get absolutely wrecked with out it.
If they are, then I guarantee this isn’t even a discussion we even need to be having.
Edit: you want parry to be nerfed down to 15/20%? Why even have it then that gives a 60% block with 120 points of skill. Crazy talk
so weapon skill block 50 + (50*.2)= 60%.
but if this is not what you mean, then please explain the adjustment. What exactly are you taking 15-20% off from.
Any way you look at the adjustment in any terms you mean in, is over nerfing a template that has been nerfed many times over the years.
No one sits there and never gets hit while casting. It’s not meant to be easy mode for dex templates.
I was saying this to someone the other day. Mages have already been nerfed through the roof relating to shields and parry. It is already game-breaking.
Reviewing the disadvantages already added to mages with shields, or parry, some since the start of the game, so long ago, many of you even forget their existence.
1. Shields have to have spell channelling on, to be able to use a shield. This loses a mage 1 property on their suit vs a Dexxer.
2. Spell Channelling comes hand in hand with -1 FC. To counter-balance this with +1 FC somewhere uses up 1 more property on their suit vs a Dexxer.
3. A Parry Mage, needs 84 Dexterity, to use a shield post Curse to max effect. This is 84 Dex the Mage has no other use for at all. Dexxers are able to use all their Stats, even Mana, is used for their weapon specials - whereas Parry mages are sat on 84 redundant stats.
4. Those 84 Dexterity points, are taken out of a Mages mana pool, meaning less spells able to be cast.
5. Having used 84 stats in Dexterity. Parry Mages will find it almost impossible to meet the 150 Int Stat property, to meet their maximum SDI output target {Remembering ALL pvp templates need 150 Hit Points}. Warriors never have any issues meeting their Dex requirements.
6. Parry has been added to the list of skills that neutralises Focused Mage, so they are hit with -5% from their SDI cap, so a SECOND SDI hit.
7. By being forced to have Parry - Pure Mages are losing out on a wider more Mage focussed skill-set.
So in summary, mages have lost - 2 properties on their suit, 84 useless Stats, 84 mana pool, Int cap related SDI, and a further 5% SDI, and the ability to have a whole entire pure mage related additional skill, that is not just sat there on top of Wrestling for defence - TWO skills needed just for physical defence...
I think Warriors forget just how hard Mages have been nerfed.
And the answer as to why...
It is because warriors do so much damage output for pvm, this then hits the mages, who need defensive abilities to manage the amount of nuking they receive - hence parry. It is not parry that needs a nerf, it is the warriors damage output, then parry can be toned down, then mages are not forced to use parry, and mages can re-balance.
Mages cannot get anything like as close as warriors do in pvm damage...
When you think about the Mage, and the Warrior concept, how do you see it?
Do warriors have unlimited stamina, hacking ability and damage output in battle?
Do they vastly outperform mages?
I believe, in the same way Mages use mana for spells, warriors should be using stamina, there should be a limit on their damage output abilities.
This would actually balance everything - pvm, and pvp.
The entire issue stems from a conceptual flaw in the initial design of UO warriors.
What do you think Magic Resist is? You should see how many times I have to cast poison sometimes before it lands... {and then of course - 2 types of different consumables wipe out a mages most powerful spell instantly}.
What do you think Evasion is ?
Mages also get disturbed, physically, or with spells.
Mages also have line of sight, and range issues.
Mages also have to stand still to cast.
There are many specials that prevent a mages casting.
I do not buy the mages cannot miss theory, at all.
It's a bit like saying, Warriors cannot miss, if the target is standing still, no wrestle, no parry, no dci etc.
I'm sorry, you have just added to the argument Warriors have far too many defences and protection compared to Mages.
1 - Including weapon skill
2 - Adding Anatomy
3 - Adding Wrestling