High Seas not so Swashbuckle-y Content
As usual I lost track of time and missed the Meet & Greet. And I had my questions so nicely and neatly written out next to me too! As usual my questions were with regard to High Seas stuff. I was going to try to sneak in 3.
1. Will we ever have large container ship's hold using CC?
2. Might we ever see an item added that would turn cotton and wool into bolts of cloth while at sea? A sailcloth loom? I dunno! Can I get a heckler? Check out this crazy sails making process in this old film below.
3. Would it be possible to add Granite as loot found on merchant and orc ships? Granite seems ridiculously hard to find for sale. When I do find it, it's not the quantity I need, the color I want, or at a price I can afford. I want to get in the game and craft. I do not have the time or desire to devote to hours and hours to mining. If you can't find it for sale then what? Why can we loot, ingots, ore, wood and supplies for making cloth but we stopped at being able to find granite?
Maybe I'll get to the next M&G on time and can ask the above. I was unceremoniously booted out after logging in to Blackthorn's castle late, don't you know? I was whisked away to Minoc, landing in a heap in front of the miner's guild hall, and without my pants.
Anywho, I do think about the High Seas stuff a lot. And I've never totally given up on the idea some content could come along that would have UO's High Seas adventures feeling like a much more immersive, much more swashbuckling pirate story.
not saying I haven't enjoyed the beacons but why was swordplay left in the dust and range weapons, pets and magic spells made the whole focus for fighting at sea? Why am I not having a wicked sword fight with dread pirates instead of an all day stand off that leaves you needing to employ pets, a Colossus, and a bow. I realize I can take the dreads health down, switching over to grapeshot but man that's cumbersome and takes forever.
Anyway, back to the beacons...Seems like the mechanics where already right there for pirates to fight to take out a beacon.
Why not scuttle the beacons the way we scuttle a ship?
First you take out the
beacon with your cannon and range fighting, only then can you board,
using the platform's moor lines. There's a clash of swords! You dispatch the orcs with your cutlasses, daggers and rapiers! When the last
orc drops you get the mythical crate drop and find a container or two on the the platform to loot. There could be an opportunity to add rare recipes for weapons, clothing, armor that goes with a high seas or pirate theme.
Maybe something entirely new that spawns as merchant ships and beacons do, coming and going in the waters, could be added. Maybe the mobs could be more like pirates you see at Bucs and on the docks.
Honestly, I have to believe almost everyone, when they first found out how to take out a beacon, was totally bummed when they found out they couldn't board the platform. I don't know that we'll
ever have blunderbuss pistols as added swashbuckling content but I wish something that calls for effective swordplay to be used could be added to UO High Seas.

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this.
I've bolded the part I'm referring to.
As regards granite, the easiest way to get a significant amount is by using a rock hammer (bod reward or from Ultima Store) If you want coloured granite pair this with a map from Vela, or again, a bod reward, Claim the map in Felucca and mine in Fel to get double resource.