Siege Perilous Chocolate Contest
in Siege
During the month of March, you are challenged to come up with the most attractive/inventive display of chocolate-related art or scenery that you can possibly manage.
This could take the form of backpack art, or a display in your house, or maybe a tasteful array of chocolate-dipped noob corpses - dry looted, of course.
The only restriction is that it has to be done within the realm of Siege Perilous - we're not interested in the array of chocolate dinosaurs at your real-life home in the countryside!
The winner will have a trophy placed outside their house, with a replica at the reward hall.
Please submit pictures of all entries here. If the entry is somewhere that can be visited, please post the co-ordinates as well as a screen-shot. I will also need the co-ordinates of your house to place the trophy, if you win.
Judging of the entries will take place at the end of the month, and the winner will be announced here.
