Confirmed: Blaze Cu bots are real
Could Blaze Cu also have been subject to farming/scripting?
And so this has been finally reported and confirmed recently: Blaze Cu bots are real.
Why do certain group/people always have those for sale regularly? Just LUCK? Nay! Bots!
You see, they have auto bots hidden at the outside entrance and also at the desert area.
Outside: 1 tamer, 1 res bot
Desert area: 2 bots are constantly hidden/walking in stealth WHILE scanning for Blaze color dogs.
Now the scan-bots occasionally get revealed by the mobs and get killed. No problem! Ghost will auto walk outside to get res'd by other bots (per pics below). Smart programming!
When a Blaze does spawn, you get PC sound alarm & your bots also auto tame. No sweat!
The only way to detect the bots is to use Tracking skill.
Scripting is so profitable that these bots are ofc paid accounts. GMs can easily see them but wont respond to your page if you cannot target their toons.
So what will the Devs do now?

Taming reveals you, ya know. You still have to tame hundreds of the non blaze ones to get a blaze to pop up. Where are they putting the hundreds they are taming. Or are they killing them and losing karma?
Are they also increasing their Karma automatically since they have to kill paragons? You missed that step.
Somehow, I bet these "afk" players will answer the GM when he checks on them.
*looks at my 3 monitors while I am doing my paperwork here at my work/gaming station.*
No, you have to make them spawn.
The person above that did that picture did that every day for about a month to get a Blaze.
ETA Ummm unless something has changed, only an elf can tame a Cu Sidhe.
you are a decade late for this old script system....dude dont tell me you dont know cu are spawning at another location now and this is where it is mass farmed now?
- Champ spawns
- Sakkhran Bird Of Prey quest
- Blaze Cu
- Slim's Shadow Veil
- Shadowguard (for tali)
- ToTs (when active)
- Splinter Weapons
Thanks to the proliferation and leaders refusal to do anything about 3rd party clients or make quest rewards/high end drops (+ToT rewards) account bound @KyronixI will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
Probably a NOOB trying to get Dreadhorn items and the can't make it past the sand.
That's what the pictures tell me.
Every time someone has something some of you don't have or you want. You come here and cry Bot or cheat.
Download Steam Thousands of games there. Stop wasting your money and trolls.
Where was your feedback or guide on how to get drops in any event?
Hey, @Kyronix , how about, to help reduce this use of EJ characters to have scripted, BOTted CAMs to aggravate other UO players' enjoyment of the game, you make a change whereas, when an EJ character is hiding, in terms of gameplay, they are hidden to Monsters but they are visible to other players' characters without the need to have to Track them for players and, also, that using the reveal spell on them, also with a scroll, would work all the time making them vulnerable to get attacked by Monsters ?
This way, the ability to use multiple EJ characters as CAMs all over spawns would be severely hindered as players could easily spot them, reveal them, and have them killed by monsters thus removing their ability to be used as a scripted CAMs especially, if the teleporting of Ghosts to Shrines was to be further enlarged, reducing the time necessary for it to trigger and enforcing this teleporting of Ghosts to Shrines to anywhere in UO, not just to some limited spawns and areas... at least, when the Ghost is from an EJ account and not a fully subscribed one
I think that it is about time to get rid of the ability to use automated, scripted CAMs, be them Ghost CAMs or hidden, stealthing EJ CAMs which report activity at locations and then send, automatedly, warnings to some Discord Channel for those players monitoring them to then intervene at those locations coveniently, with hardly any expenditure of their time to actually monitor being at the keyboard activity in those locations since they can use scripted, BOTted characters rather then having to control them manually.