The Ogre Supervisor (Concerning the 2/28/2024 EM Event Boss)

EM JewelsEM Jewels Posts: 136Event Moderator
edited February 2024 in Chesapeake
Good morning!

Due to a snaffoo of the mighty Gods, the Ogre Supervisor managed to secure the Love Tree Syrup. It seems Ms. Money made certain that such a thing never ended up in the Kings or the people's hands. It truly appears, Ms. Money got away clean.

In the meantime, the Gods are going to be investigating the Ogres ability to hold onto such an item, despite their immense power, to fix it so the next evil entity that comes along isn't able to overpower their orders.

Sadly, the Gods and Kinds necromancers aren't able to bring the Ogre Supervisor back to attempt to appease the people of the realm. Its body has already become part of the land.

The only evidence that was found on the Ogre was a note that stated, "Better luck next time" signed by "Ms. Money".

Deepest and most sincere apologies,
EM Artemis
Chesapeake EM

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