Dev M&G Monday, February 26th @ 7pm ET



  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,304
    shootgun said:

    Do you guys remember why did they delete parts of that dungeon? Was there a bug?

    People parked characters in there afk. I think the script for the gold elementals getting major drops and a ton of gold ingots was the icing on the cake. 

    But there's plenty of room to add for other uses besides the drops. They could do mini spawns, mini bosses, all kinds of stuff besides let it sit empty. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,523
    edited March 2024
    shootgun said:
    Urge said:
    With the blackthorn dungeon, i was speaking more about all the empty space. Rewards are fine. 
    I would like to be able to get few pieces of blackthorn when my guild is not around. The feeling of guild hunt ending when I had 97 mini arties, and waiting another week to claim the item I want is bad.

    Do you guys remember why did they delete parts of that dungeon? Was there a bug?
    Players were afk farming all day.

    Stand a melee guy in a room on auto attack.
    Stand a player in a room and pets kill everything.

    Chat also works.  2 tamers can slowly do a city.  3 makes it more comfortable. 

    You may meet new players that are on the same time you are and can do the roof after.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,358
    Kyronix said:

    Alpha signups are currently closed - we haven't released anything on beta yet.  I haven't re-read the transcript but if beta was said, alpha was intended.

    It is definitely easier for us to implement dynamic events, however we've had to adjust the deployment from how we intended it to how it currently functions based on available resources.  I know you (and others) love calling these cookie cutter (and admittedly, there are repetitive aspects) but they are extremely popular so while we are focusing on what works.  We're also getting Vet Rewards going as well as some updates for the coming event that will make it less cookie it's gonna take some time.

    As far as the last part - there's a difference between unfavorable feedback and outright toxicity.  There's a lot of that in the gaming world right now, and there really isn't any need for it.  Feedback is an important part of the development cycle and we read, discuss, and ruminate on anything that is actionable that pops up.  The amount of actionable feedback we garner from this forum grossly outweighs what we've gotten from other forums in the decade plus I've been on the team.  I think everyone across gaming would do well to take a step back and recognize they are only seeing a piece of the picture, and while they are of course allowed to postulate, pontificate, and hypothesize at the end of the day those behind the curtain are the only ones who really see the full picture.
    Appreciate you responding @Kyronix and I think interactive feedback like that helps quell the "echo chambers".

    In regards to the Alpha vs beta testing it was Saul who asked if you were still taking Beta testers but all good there if Mesanna took it as Alpha.

    On the "new content" piece, I'd like to clarify while having some constructive interaction. I understand the limitation on resources and the use of dynamic events while working on NL; I get that part (to a point) and that's something that you guys said would be the case from the start. I'd agree that they are extremely popular with most players which is kind of the point I've been trying to make.

    I believe there should be more frequent dynamic events given they are popular but also similar enough (maybe "cookie cutter-ish"?) that they don't require a complete rebuild.

    I've said this for years. I think we all agree the dynamic events are repetitive style things, which to be clear, isn't a problem as a stop gap while NL is being built but the trade off of with these type of events IMO is that they need to happen with more frequency. I'd say like once a quarter to give the long time vets something different to do, rather than once every 6 months. As I've mentioned in the past, I'd be fine with a 100% repeat of older events with the same rewards (maybe 1 or 2 new rewards) if they were shorter events and happened more frequent. Things like town invasions / previous ToT (khuldan/kotl/wildfire/etc) / dynamic spawns being flipped on for a month every other month would allow people who missed those events obtain items. Even people that played the event would be able to get a few more rewards they might need more of. To me that's a win/win for the Dev team and players to provide some limited time content with pretty low effort.
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