Interview with EM Echo!

This week I had the pleasure of interviewing EM Echo of Baja! You can read all their responses below;
1. What made you to decide to start EMing?
I'm crap at what better way to kill.errr.give the players something to fight? Seriously though, I was approached
and asked to fill out the application by a previous EM who thought I would make a good EM because of my RP in game.
2. What is your favorite part about EMing?
(see first sentence in #1 *grins*) Actually interacting with the players, creating story lines and executing them (the story not the players), I really enjoy doing the builds to bring the story to "Life" and the RP Characters I have.
3. What is your favorite memory thus far of EMing?
Oh so many! I really enjoyed playing a baddie RPC who was intent on upsurping the king in a Arc. Getting the players involved in the story line was awesome! I enjoyed working them into the story line and hope they enjoyed being in it.
4. What is your most memorable moment playing UO?
The very first time I logged into UO in Moonglow. All the players bustling around. Walking around seeing/listening to their adventures. Wondering why all the wonderful items were on the ground *picks up armor and puts in bank* Running from the Mongbot who was intent on beating me down..I could go on and on....but that first log in was just WOW!
5.What is your favorite thing to do in UO?
I enjoy deco'ing and I guess you would say I am a hoarder on UO lol. I also enjoy going out on hunts with friends and guildy's. The adrenaline gets pumping!
6. Is there a specific event that you've done that is your favorite? What is it?
One of my recent ones is definetly on the list of favorites. It involved over grown mutated piggys. My RPC is a a witch who only got her broomstick handle when Graduating from the Witches University and she can unintentionaly cause a bit of chaos! Of course everyone knows..Its always Better with Bacon!
7. Was a drop you made a favorite most out of all of them so far? What is it?
I can't say I have one favorite. I love them all! I try and create a drop that will, when looked at, remind the players of the event and storyline that was told. But if I have to pick, I think the ones created for the Virtues Arc would be up there very high as they reflected on each of the Virtue cities as the Arc was played out.
8. Is there a specific story that comes to mind about UO that has stuck with you to date?
The Virtuebane Story line. Watching as New Magincia was reduced to rubble as everyone rallied around trying to save it. His trying to over throw the kingdom and take power. The death of Queen Dawn in "In the Shadow of Virtue" events.
9.Do you have any words of wisdom for the players out there? New and Old?
Explore! There are alot of I would say "forgotten" places in UO. Learn about the game and its history and lore of the places to explore. Make friends or join a guild to go on those adventures! Most of all have fun! Also if you see someone whos running alone, ask can you join them. There are new players and returning players who are trying to learn how UO rolls. Your actions could be the difference in them staying and playing or hanging it up.
10. Is there anything else you'd like to add to the players out there?
Just a thank you for playing, thank you for attending events that there isn't a drop at because you enjoy the story, and the interaction with fellow players. Thank you for being you!
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