Hit lower defence chance

FlamewalkerFlamewalker Posts: 8
edited February 2024 in General Discussions
Sometimes I do Roof with my Guild.We have a sampire who has blackthorn helm with lower defence chance.Does it also effect our pets and my archer's shots?.Do I need to wear my blackthorn helm or a person's helm make a effect for all of us.


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    edited February 2024
    It does on the Mob that is hit.  So all  other melee or archers or pets would benefit.
    It only works for a melee or archer/thrower toon.  Would not work with a caster. @PlayerSkillFTW can verify that.  I use the helm and put it on my bows.
    It also does not last very long.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 647
    edited February 2024
    HLD applies a -25 DCI penalty to the victim (which can go negative values) for 8 seconds (PvM duration). Anyone attacking that HLD victim receives the bonus to land a hit on them, including pets.
    The bonus from HLD on Helm and Weapon don't stack additive, but multiplicative. 50% HLD on Wep+30% HLD from Helm does not give a 80% chance to apply HLD. They roll separately to apply, if the HLD from the wep fails to proc, then the HLD from the Helm has a chance to proc, so there's a total chance of 65% to apply HLD with 50% Wep+30% Helm. If HLD procs while HLD is already active on the victim, then it refreshes the duration.

    If you're swinging every 1.25 secs (Double Strike gives you two chances to proc On Hit effects, assuming both attacks land), and reliably landing hits, then the 30% HLD from the Helm alone is oftentimes enough to keep the victim perpetually under the effect of HLD. Opponents with exceptionally high Wrestling skill and/or Parry can still be a pain to land hits on, especially high Parry foes (the Spectral Armors from the Treasures of the Archlich event had insane Parry, which is why they were so tough to kill)

    HLA functions much the same way, but applies a -25 HCI penalty to the victim (which can go negative) for 8 seconds.

    I specifically made a "Debuff Bow" for my Disco/Tamer to use to debuff bosses even further when hunting with my guild. I love stacking debuffs on otherwise tough bosses and making them melt like butter.

  • Ty so much for informations.I learned what I want to learn.Ty again.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Ty so much for informations.I learned what I want to learn.Ty again.
    Since yall are probably mages.  Have the mage with the highest bless ability cast it on the Sampire,  Also you can use Gift of Renewal on him. Those can help keep a melee toon alive on Dynamic Spawn Bosses.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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