Valentines Day Contest! **Winner Announced!**

The Story;
Cupid has made his appearance and is launching his arrows of love to all those around the realms. He has already struck you with loves arrow and is preparing to strike with his second to the next civilian of the realm. Just as the arrow is launched, a troll walks into its line of sight and lands right in the center of their back! You lock eyes and immediately are smitten with each other. But the troll is now waiting for that special dinner date! Quickly, you rush home to clean the house and ready it for your special date with your Troll. Now, what would a Troll find suitable in a dinner date? You stand looking at the room, questioning if what you have planned is going to appease your date. You rush to gather your belongings in the house to create a special area, now suitable for a troll!
The Rules;
1. Create a room/floor that is decorated for a Troll date!
2. Only ONE entry per account please.
3. Upload your photo to this thread!
4. Add your character NAME and SHARD to your post!
Submissions should be made by 2/5/24 at 11:59pm EST.
Voting will start on 2/6/24 and end on 2/13/24 at 11:59pm EST..
ONE Winner will be announced on 2/14/24! Said winner will
receive a special title of "Expert in Troll Dating".
Please remember, should you transfer/copy the character, the title WILL be lost/broken and will NOT be replaced/fixed. So please be aware!
Best of luck!
Edited to clarify a bit better.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
Lake Superior
Shard: Great Lakes
I made some updates to my dining area for the troll date. Using a stone table and stone chair for the troll so the furniture is not easily broken. To make them feel for comfortable with their surroundings, I added some Rancid deer meat and Grizzled bones on the floor along with a cauldron of Spiked Egg Nog. A variety of food consisting of pizza, cooked fish and big raw fish, or a pig roasting on a spit so they are sure to get filled up. I threw up a tattered wall map above the fireplace and some creeping vines to make them feel right at home. Hidden in the vines is a music box in case the troll gets a little grumpy from cupids arrow wearing off. I'll put on some music and hopefully the music will calm them down enough to continue the date or allow me to escape.
Thanks for the contest!!
Cupid steadied his bow and took aim at the young lass who was walking by the home that he stood atop. He smiled when she rubbed the spot on her arm where the arrow had touched her. He was startled by a growl nearby as his arrow flew through the air and hit a nearby telescope. The arrow bounced off the metal and turned back towards the garden shed. Out stumbled a troll and Cupid quickly flew off to a nearby roof to watch.
He saw the young lass go up onto the roof of the house and she introduced herself to the troll. Her name happens to be Cupid and as their eyes met they couldn't deny their attraction. He told of how he had walked by the house and that the looks of the garden shed had called out to him. He had laid down for a nap until he felt a pinch on his back. She asked him if he had eaten yet and he agreed that he was feeling famished. So she asked him to straighten up the shed while she prepared them a meal.
Cupid of Sonoma stood back as she surveyed the feast she had prepared. she can just hear the music as the harpist played. She hopes the William the troll will like the chicken with cranberry fixins and the roast pig.
this contest reward will probably in 2025.
All in good fun of course, yes, it was AI Generated.