EC: When editing the Delay macro action the previous value is not shown

In the EC when you select to edit the Delay macro action the previous value is not shown.  The following code addition fixes this.

In the file source\ActionEditWindow.lua add the indicated code to the function ActionEditWindow.OpenEditWindow

		elseif( actionType == SystemData.UserAction.TYPE_DELAY ) then
local param = {HotbarId=hotbarId, ItemIndex=itemIndex, SubIndex=subIndex }
local rdata = {title=GetStringFromTid(3002103), subtitle=GetStringFromTid(1155371), callfunction=ActionEditWindow.CustomDelay, id=param}
--start of added code
local delayValue = UserActionDelayGetDelay(hotbarId, itemIndex, subIndex)
rdata.text = wstring.format(L"%.1f",delayValue)
--end of added code


  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    Where are you getting this stuff from?  I use EC’s macro system and it does not look anything like yours.  Current value is easy see when editing delay.  Not meaning to be critical.  See this format for macros here all the time and just wonder where it comes from.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,919

    Editing this existing macro. 

    With the default EC this is what I see when I begin to edit the existing Delay macro action.

    With my change this is what I see when I begin to edit the existing Delay macro action.

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