Lesser Hiryu Training - Mechanics Questions
I'd like to train my Lesser Hiryu. (For Bushido/swords character build)
This means taking out two skills from my build, and absorbing Animal Lore and Animal Taming (using soul-stones)
The first question is simple. Can I train my pet without bonding first?
The second question is I need Animal Taming as well as Lore to start training?
The third question is a little trickier. Can I begin the training process, and then remove Animal Taming and Lore yet still continue the Lesser Hiryu's training?
This means taking out two skills from my build, and absorbing Animal Lore and Animal Taming (using soul-stones)
The first question is simple. Can I train my pet without bonding first?
The second question is I need Animal Taming as well as Lore to start training?
The third question is a little trickier. Can I begin the training process, and then remove Animal Taming and Lore yet still continue the Lesser Hiryu's training?
In regards to the third question again.
The character who owns the pet must have animal taming and animal lore for training to progress.
What if a trained pet is given to someone, like a trained Lesser Hiryu is given to my Bushido/Swords build without animal taming or lore. Will the Lesser Hiryu's training, albeit progress is suspended, still function with its skills, powers, etc, or will it revert to a default Lesser Hiryu?
If the pet is being trained then given to a character without taming or lore, the training is suspended until a character with taming or lore gains ownership, or the training is halted, never to be trained again?
Apologies for these questions, I am just trying to wrap my head around it, without having to sink lots of time into an idea of having a Bushido/Swords build with a trained pet, if it is not actually feasible.
Thanks again for your patience.
Bushido allows a player to have an untrained lesser
You can not transfer a Trained pet to a player without the required taming and lore.
You can not mount a trained pet if you just have Bushido.
You have to dismount to change skills.
Tbh if you're using a pet to tank you will not need parry or necro or even bush.
Thanks for the answering my question.
It makes sense but it wasn't the answer I was hoping for
I took off Bush and Parrying, took on Taming and Lore.
Then started training the Lesser Hiryu, and then bonded.
Then I read @Grimbeard and @Pawain 's replies while at work and thought "oh no, I just wasted a instant bonding token".
But I continued anyway. I stabled the pet, took off Taming and Lore, put Bush and Parry back on.
Took the pet out the stable, still bonded, and still rideable.
Maybe because the training was at 0%. Who knows?
Maybe I'll test out another time. When I have time to train a pet and get another Lesser Hiryu.
To be honest, it's more a novelty now and will probably keep my ethereal steed on me at all times even when my bonded Lesser Hiryu is about. My real hope was to be able to train the Lesser Hiryu with some fighting abilities.