how do I set up a multi client macro so my 3 gargoyles I am towing auto attack everything near?

I am thinking of abandoning the EC and Pincos and join the legal non multi box action with my 3 paid accts and an EJ acct.

Can someone please walk me through the macro creation so I can do as it seems so many others are legally doing?

I cant find in on the page but it must be there.........

I think I need to get more drops

And can I link it to my work computer so I can multi client legally all day as well? I can improve my multi-tasking as well

I think my main will be a sampire and the same tile max speed gargoyles will be throwers and the EJ fella will cast cleansing wind constantly, I also need to know how to legally multi client all 4 chars at once as I cant seem to do that with the EC

I also need to know how to create the invis macro as well so I can evade the paras when I take off and drop them on other players.

And of course the auto target and home in on the nearest target at the press of a key so I can target them all without the need to move the mouse.

And I need the accelerated option so all following chars are on the same tile as me at maximum speed. The usual auto follow is too slow and my chars keep getting stuck.

and I thought the EC was better, it appears I have been missing out for the last 10 years or so

this is going to be awesome!

And of course be invisible to the GM's when I get paged on.....

thank you


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    Are you so insecure in your own self that you have to copy some other person?  Come to LS there have not been any so called Bots.  Just attended players that will answer you in chat while they are having fun.  Sad to be a person that wants to tell others what to do and not do I suppose.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    No Jack.
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