Secret Santa!

From the Desk of Santa Claus:

Chesapeake will once again host a Secret Santa celebration!

Pick up your book from the Secret Santa Exchange at 20N 126W (southeast of Moonglow). Just whisper "secret" to Holly to grab your book!

Put your name in the book and drop it into the mailbox. Books need to be returned by the 8th!

Between December 10th and 13th, come back to see Holly and whisper "santa" in her ear. She will give you a book containing the name of the person you will be gifting! 

Return the gifts (with the books inside the package) by December 17th. 

Santa will be here on the 22nd at 9p EST to hand out gifts!

(there is nothing special about the books, other than they have these instructions in them :) If you want to just grab a book, put your name in it and drop it into the mailbox by the 8th, please feel free to do so!)

Santa tells me he is looking forward to visiting with all the citizen of Chesapeake again ... especially the naughty ones ;)
Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
Governor of Moonglow

Discord: txeggplant


  • EM JewelsEM Jewels Posts: 135Event Moderator
    I posted it to FaceBook. *smiles*
    Chesapeake EM

  • JamesJames Posts: 94
    Please note that the drop off date for turning in the book with your name for Secret Santa is now 12/09/23 at server down to give players more time.
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