Interview with EM Obsidian!

What made you decide to start EMing?
saw a post on the patch menu about new EMs being hired back in the fall of
2015. I have always had a soft spot for the roleplaying that goes into UO, and
figured “why not?” I went ahead and sent in an application, and referenced some
things I had done with PEC Wraith and some fiction I had written. The rest is
What has it been like, being an EM for so long?
has been very rewarding and very humbling. I have met so many great players on
the various shards I have had events on. I have had many a great conversation
on matters of the realm over a bottle of virtual ale with many players. I have
also met many of these players at the 20th Anniversary Party. Many
of the people I have met, many of the friendships that have been formed, many
of the recipes I have shared, many of the stories that have been told… would
not have happened if I never took that chance and applied for that Event
Moderator position.
What is your favorite part about EMing?
favorite part(s) of EMing are the building of event areas, and the stories that
are told. I do take a good amount of time and planning when designing an area that
an event will be held in, in addition to trying out and experimenting with new
types of scenery with each event. I have been told the Holiday event builds are
quite fun! I also do enjoy the stories that go into each event. In more recent
times, I have considered the players choices and reaction to my prior events;
into subsequent future events.
What is your most memorable moment playing UO?
Circa 1998, placing my first house which was a 5 x 5 small brick house… It truly was a glorious day!
What is your favorite thing to do in UO currently?
When I am not EMing, I typically am shopping for things or collecting resources.
What is your favorite memory thus far of EMing?
favorite memory of EMing is being able to work with my fellow EMs. Over the
past eight years, many EMs have come and gone. Over those years I have gotten
to know many great people, many great storytellers, many great friends; some whom
are no longer among us.
Is there a specific event that you've done that is your favorite? What is it?
really enjoy doing events that revolve around goblins. I have found over the
years that goblins in UO are very polarizing to the players, a bit of a love it
or hate it relationship. As a result, I have done several events revolving
around the Red Goblin Army and their shenanigans throughout the realms.
Was a drop you made that you favorite most out of all of them thus far? What is it?
have been several rewards I have made that I would love to own personally, but
do not have the gold to afford. However, my favorite drop is one I did
recently… From time to time we submit ideas to the team, such as new artwork
suggestions. I had sketched up a broken wine bottle as some possible artwork. A
few months later, it was in the game, and is now a reward.
Is there a specific story that comes to mind about UO that has stuck with you to date?
favorite story is from the very beginning of UO, with the Followers of
Armageddon and their escapades… Jou’Nar and the siege of Trinsic comes to mind.
Do you have any words of wisdom for the players out there? New and Old?
do tend to say to “be safe in your journeys” as I close out every event and I
truly mean that, in this realm and the other… Be kind to your fellow
Is there anything else you'd like to add to the players out there?
A big thank you to everyone who decides to attend my events, I truly am grateful for the opportunity to be writing events for you after so many years! I look forward to many more years to come!