Cannot log in after patching
Just a heads up, lots of issues with this patch.
Cannot communicate, freezing up, stuck on the verifying screen. Did a full file check.

This is all I get. Full File check, shut it down 9 times already.
So the patch is broken somewhere, anyone STILL on the game, DO NOT shut it down lol.

<edit> I backed up my EC files and patched. I too was unable to log in using the patched files. I reverted to the back up copy and I was able to log in when directly launching UOSA.exe
Patch, when patch is done hit cancel.
Open game, notice it does a small patch again. Hit cancel when done.
Open game one more time, patches are done, but hit cancel 1 more time.
Now you can open the game and it works fine after a patch.
But this must be an old thread, lots of players are in UO right now.
A Symphony of Snow & Samurai – Champ Spawn [Phase 116.3]