Interview with EM Kincaid!

This week I had the pleasure of interviewing EM Kincaid !! Thank you again for a fun interview! Please enjoy!
1. What made you decide to start EMing?
I didn’t. I heard that EM Bennu was having some – let’s call them “time management issues” – and it looked like the poor guy was working himself to death. So, being a naïve, unsuspecting idiot, I asked if he needed any help. My timing was terrible. My offer of help arrived on exactly the same day as he resigned. Next thing I knew, I was filling in an application form and being trained by EM Fainemorgan!
2. What is your favorite part about EMing?
Opportunities to grow the shard’s population, and keep the shard’s population. If I hear someone needs help, I’m usually near the front of the queue to offer assistance. See answer 1 above for where that leads. It’s also fun to play “what if” with the game mechanics, and thinking of new ways to merge old ideas. (See Q 7)
3. What is your favorite memory thus far of EMing?
Getting Siege their Void Pool victory recognition. The players worked like maniacs, hammering away at Cora’s forces for the better part of a weekend – I was very glad to play a small role by getting their trophy put in place. I also looked really hot in my cheerleader outfit.

4. What is your most memorable moment playing UO?
I could tell you, but that would give my secret identity (yeah, right) away, and then I’d have to PK you. As an EM, it was probably being able to help with the 25th Anniversary celebrations. That was an amazing day – I wish it had gone on all week!
5. What is your favorite thing to do in UO?
Without the EM hat on, exploring, re-discovering old places, finding new ones, and occasionally getting involved in PvP. I used to be good at it, now I stink. Getting old(er) is not fun. With the EM hat on, nobody would WANT me to take part in PvP. 1000 str, dex and int, invulnerability, AND the ability to prevent you opponent from running away seems just a tiny bit unfair. Of course, I’d still get one-hit killed by Mesanna if I tried!
6. Is there a specific event that you've done that is your favorite? What is it?
I like doing joined-up story lines. I would say that my favorite event is one that I haven’t done yet – I’ve been planning it for nearly 2 years. Shhh. No spoilers.
7. Was a drop you made that you favorite most out of all of them thus far? What is it?
Not so much a drop as a special effect. I realized that the Nature’s Fury spell (bees) would go well with the werewolf, and asked Mesanna if we could give him fleas. It worked out even better than I’d hoped! One of these days, I’ll have to see if I’m allowed to give the players a bad case of fleas! Maybe one April Fool’s Day event. Maybe. No promises.
8. Is there a specific story that comes to mind about UO that has stuck with you to date?
Many years ago, a guild member (who will remain nameless) was going through some really terrible things in real life. It was so bad, they were talking about doing something… permanent. Between about 5 of us, we were able to get in touch with a local suicide prevention hotline, get someone to their home – one of us had managed to make contact in RL, and I’m glad to say that person is still around, and doing much better. The fact that most of us were half a world away, physically, makes it even more amazing.
9. Do you have any words of wisdom for the players out there? New and Old?
“Come to Siege, stay for the community, but leave your valuables in-doors.”
10. Is there anything else you'd like to add to the players out there?
Who wants a death robe? Come on, don’t be shy! Free death robes at every event!
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Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
one of my most memorable events on Siege
A Flaming Krampus Cosplayer
came to the party at New Magincia on Dec 17, 2022
(we also learned that banning someone from your house no longer works, they can still come inside and kill you)