EC: Stop hiding Vender Search errors after 5 seconds
The EC will hide Vendor Search error messages after 5 seconds. If you blink or look away too long you will miss the error message. With the current problems happening with Vendor Search I thought it was time to stop the EC from hiding the VS errors. The following code changes will do that as well as print the error to the chat window.
To the function VendorSearch.UpdateButtonsMap in the file source\VendorSearch.lua make the following code changes
To the function VendorSearch.UpdateButtonsMap in the file source\VendorSearch.lua make the following code changes
local error = VendorSearch.GetError()
if error then
LabelSetText(VendorSearch.WindowName .. "OtherError", GetStringFromTid(error))
WindowSetAlpha(VendorSearch.WindowName .. "OtherError", 255)
--start of added and modified code
--stop hiding the error WindowStartAlphaAnimation(VendorSearch.WindowName .. "OtherError", Window.AnimationType.EASE_OUT, 1, 0, 1, false, 5, 0)
WindowUtils.ChatPrint( GetStringFromTid(error), SystemData.ChatLogFilters.SYSTEM)
--end of added and modified code
To the function VendorSearch.SearchThis in the file source\VendorSearch.lua add the following code
--start of added code
LabelSetText(VendorSearch.WindowName .. "OtherError", L"") --clear the error message
WindowSetAlpha(VendorSearch.WindowName .. "OtherError", 0)
--end of added code
This will give you the CC's gump within the EC. I find the CC version to be less ugly and easier to use. The text color in the input field will be white, but there's probably an easy way to fix it.