Begging... What am I missing?

Sooo it's Halloween again and I was tired of only getting candy so I decided to train up begging on one of my random characters that I've never really done anything with. Right now she's at 235.9 real skill points allocated, so there should be plenty of points to train it up fairly fast (as opposed to being fully capped and having to reallocate the points from a maxxed skill). 

First place I start was on the UO Begging page to see what I needed to do. It says I can buy my starter begging from NPC gypsies, so off to Ilsh Compassion I go to hit up the first gypsy camp I can think of, but, for some reason none of them had begging. So I run over to the gypsy camp over by the Ancient Wyrm, none of those have it either. Can't think of any other gypsy camps to check so I was stumped, but on a whim I went to Cove thinking maybe the thief trainer there would have it, and found a blue NPC gypsy that could train me. I paid the price and got trained up to 25.8. Not sure where i might find another gypsy that could train it closer to 30 and i don't recall seeing a Haven trainer for it.

I've spent the better part of 2 days now trick or treating from any relatively NPC-dense place I could think of - Luna, Ter Mur, Heartwood, ran around Brit, heck, even tried Haven, but I guess they don't really do trick-or-treat there... After each trick-or-treat, I beg the NPC. I've gotten tons of candy, but that's it, and *zero* begging gains, not even a single 0.1 from GGS with my first beg attempt. It's definitely set to up since I just bought points from the gypsy in Cove, and I'm not capped, so is it really just *THAT* slow, like 2 days for not even a 0.1 gain slow? Do I need to be in Fel to succeed or have better odds and/or gains?

I've noticed the NPCs are also saying various things that aren't listed on the UO Begging page list of responses, so I'm not sure if they're just alternate failed attempt messages that aren't documented or if there's some other meaning to them? Stuff like "Shoo, beggar., shoo!" and "Don't you have someone else you can pester?" and "I've given enough to charity, lately!" and like half a dozen other messages... 

I read somewhere (I think on UOGuide, so idk how outdated it is, but the Begging page doesn't never been updated since it was made in 2015 either, so...) that it looks like only the first beg attempt from each NPC counts towards a possible gain, so if you fail you have to keep trying different ones until the gain finally happens, then you can go back thru and do another try at all the ones you'd already tried before the gain, is that (still) the case?

Assuming the beg is successful (gain or not), is it possible to beg from them again and get something else, or is it like stealing from monsters, one success is all there is, regardless of who got it? If it's the latter, could be I've been failing so much because other trick or treaters already begged them successfully so they have nothing left to give me.

An official update to the Begging page that might answer at least some of these questions would be nice, but any help or advice from anyone who's trained theirs up would be super appreciated.



  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    The responses you are getting from NPC's currently are part of the Halloween content, the begging page only lists the normal, rest of the year, responses. I'll see if I can add a note about halloween content to the page. I'm uncertain how the event effects skill gain I'm afraid. As for locations to train, try Zento.
  • Awesome! Thanks for the quick reply and info I'll give it a shot. 

    It looks like my character may have just been constipated in the gains department, like 15 minutes after my post I finally got a 0.2 in Heartwood and slowly started making some progress - I think I made it to 27 or so by server down. Still sadly under 30, but at least I got a couple jugs of water n some bread so I know it's working... Maybe they just didnt feel bad enough for me yet since I just started begging a couple days ago. LOL 

    Thanks again! Tomorrow (today) I'll give Zento a crack and see how it goes. ^_^
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited October 2023
    Even though the NPC says they will train to xx.  Give them 400 gold and they usually train higher than what they say.

    The NPCs have a timer. If you beg them too soon after the last beg, they say some of  those messages.

    You can get some different items from begging in Heartwood.

    Can make wine from dates. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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