Trashing items not giving points/updated total

Maximus_NeximusMaximus_Neximus Posts: 380
edited October 2023 in Bugs
Currently on Atlantic in Fel in my own house and I've trashed items that should give points but I am not receiving them (or maybe just not the message). Two batches of deleted items gave nothing; all items from an IDOC.
I just trashed caramel apples to test, which should give 1 point per apple(73 total here), and again, no points nor update shown as seen in the screenshot.

To further test, I trashed a single item in Brit Bank Tram and I did receive the points/updated total as expected. So it appears to be an issue either in house or Fel. I tested again in my house and the points aren't be added to the total at the Brit Commons Cleanup Point Exchange.


  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    I am receiving points for a trash barrel in a fel house Atlantic.
  • Update: It appears having blessed items in your trash barrel may prevent you from getting points when items get deleted.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,435
    I throw blessed and unblessed items away all the time with no problem, blessed items just have to be in a bag.
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