I lost my jewerly box...

Hello. a very unpleasant story happened to me. As you can see and understand from the title - I lost my jewelry box. How? I was lock down it and forgot it for a few days. Today I wanted to put a new ring in it, but I didn't find it. He just disappeared. in this connection, I have a question: why do such important things as boxing with jewelry not fall into the moving crate? Why do mannequin with things get into moving crate when customizing house, but many other things don't? And in general, why do any things from my personal home disappear? What do I need a house for? so that it is not my prison fortress or a place where I have to monitor and check everything on a daily basis?
I called the GM and he couldn't answer me this question. When I asked him to tell me who could, he also did not answer me anything intelligible. I am very sorry that I spent several months on this game in order to collect all these things in order to continue to play quietly in my free time, and not spend all the time at the computer in the farm. But I believe that these are illegal actions that do not contribute to development, but only lead to degradation. I no longer have any desire to sit in this game and support online. I don't feel guilty. the loss of 2-3 platinum for me personally is a big hole that rolled me back to the beginning.
in this regard, I want to publish this for everyone to see in order to solve this problem once and for all, because collecting things is very familiar and understandable to you. When you lose a thing for nothing, it becomes bad and not pleasant just from not being fair.
Thank you for reading this and letting me speak out.
with great regret, your BlackSea
- Have you ever encountered the loss of things in your house?8 votes
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- No50.00%
Yes, quite recently, when I changed the color of my foundation, a mannequin disappeared, I was also scared, but in vain, because it was in moving crate along with the things that were worn on the mannequin.
in the screenshot I show where the jewelry box was before it disappeared:
I rearranged the throne after the loss, because I thought that it could somehow magically affect and block the graphics of my lost jewelry box.
there was a tile on the roof, that if you locked stuff down there
that after 5 mins they poof
I lost track of how many times we placed the potted plants there
and came back later to see it gone
(I thought maybe i might have missed it, when locking it down
so we tried again and actually saw it poof before our eyes)
needless to say, that she moved after that
I also would have stuff disappear at my castle
when it was the original prefab, before the contests
in one corner of the castle
but I haven't had anything like that happen for awhile.