I lost my jewerly box...

BishaBisha Posts: 8
edited September 2023 in Atlantic

Hello. a very unpleasant story happened to me. As you can see and understand from the title - I lost my jewelry box. How? I was lock down it and forgot it for a few days. Today I wanted to put a new ring in it, but I didn't find it. He just disappeared. in this connection, I have a question: why do such important things as boxing with jewelry not fall into the moving crate? Why do mannequin with things get into moving crate when customizing house, but many other things don't? And in general, why do any things from my personal home disappear? What do I need a house for? so that it is not my prison fortress or a place where I have to monitor and check everything on a daily basis?

I called the GM and he couldn't answer me this question. When I asked him to tell me who could, he also did not answer me anything intelligible. I am very sorry that I spent several months on this game in order to collect all these things in order to continue to play quietly in my free time, and not spend all the time at the computer in the farm. But I believe that these are illegal actions that do not contribute to development, but only lead to degradation. I no longer have any desire to sit in this game and support online. I don't feel guilty. the loss of 2-3 platinum for me personally is a big hole that rolled me back to the beginning.

in this regard, I want to publish this for everyone to see in order to solve this problem once and for all, because collecting things is very familiar and understandable to you. When you lose a thing for nothing, it becomes bad and not pleasant just from not being fair.

Thank you for reading this and letting me speak out.
with great regret, your BlackSea
  1. Have you ever encountered the loss of things in your house?8 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No


  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Sorry for your loss.  In 25 years I have never lost anything but I do mouse back over everything to make sure it is either locked down or secured.  I never assume anything.  As for the GMs response it is a rule that UO will never replace anything lost, sorry
  • Sorry for your loss.  In 25 years I have never lost anything but I do mouse back over everything to make sure it is either locked down or secured.  I never assume anything.  As for the GMs response it is a rule that UO will never replace anything lost, sorry
    maybe it's time to fix it? i would be very pleasure to find my box in mooving crate
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited September 2023
    I think its very rare for items to go missing from a house. Most of the time its probably user error (maybe it was released and not locked down again)
    Will assume you already checked with Craig Jones etc that he or someone didn't move it.

    Have you ever had any other item disappear?

    a couple of questions, you said you locked it down and forgot it for a few days. Why was it unlocked down in the first place?

    you're asking about the moving crate and customizing the house. You customized the house in the last few days?

    I have read one report where someone suspected a certain item in the house was causing things above/below to disappear. Could you perhaps post a screenshot of the interior of the house on each level and label where the jewellery box was.

    Also from your screenshot, you're using an unofficial client, have you tried logging in on an official client and looking for it? as your client has ability to hide a lot of things.

  • BishaBisha Posts: 8
    edited September 2023
    Yes, I checked everything. only I have access to the house, so the influence of someone is excluded.

    Yes, quite recently, when I changed the color of my foundation, a mannequin disappeared, I was also scared, but in vain, because it was in moving crate along with the things that were worn on the mannequin.

    Once I already had a chest with 900+ scrolls of power disappear in another house, but there was completely my mistake, I put a lot of chests and apparently did not lock one of them.
    here is a screenshot:

    also today when I tried to repeat this bug again. I made 2 floor cells and an interior item and a hitching post disappeared in my moving crate. Why couldn't the jewelry box disappear in the same way?

    And yes, I tried to find my jewelry box on all possible clients, but alas, it is nowhere to be found.

    Can you share a link to the report or tell me what the subject was there?

    in the screenshot I show where the jewelry box was before it disappeared:

    I rearranged the throne after the loss, because I thought that it could somehow magically affect and block the graphics of my lost jewelry box.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Bisha said:
    Sorry for your loss.  In 25 years I have never lost anything but I do mouse back over everything to make sure it is either locked down or secured.  I never assume anything.  As for the GMs response it is a rule that UO will never replace anything lost, sorry
    maybe it's time to fix it? i would be very pleasure to find my box in mooving crate
    Fix what?  How long had it been locked down?  Did you relocate it and forget to re lock it down?  I do not know how long you have played UO but UO has always had a policy to not replace lost items.  Did you customize your house during those few days that you did not look at it?
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    my friend Joyce used to have a keep east of Minoc
    there was a tile on the roof, that if you locked stuff down there
    that after 5 mins they poof

    I lost track of how many times we placed the potted plants there
    and came back later to see it gone
    (I thought maybe i might have missed it, when locking it down
    so we tried again and actually saw it poof before our eyes)
    needless to say, that she moved after that

    I also would have stuff disappear at my castle
    when it was the original prefab, before the contests
    in one corner of the castle
    but I haven't had anything like that happen for awhile.
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    show a screenshot of the floor below it, and floors above too
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    I can't test at the moment because test center copy isn't avail right now.And i don't want to customize my own house because i'm too lazy to return everything.

    But are you saying that when you customize the house, the jewellery box is no longer locked down and doesn't go to the moving crate? If this is so, this must be a very big and bad bug.
  • my friend Joyce used to have a keep east of Minoc
    there was a tile on the roof, that if you locked stuff down there
    that after 5 mins they poof

    I lost track of how many times we placed the potted plants there
    and came back later to see it gone
    (I thought maybe i might have missed it, when locking it down
    so we tried again and actually saw it poof before our eyes)
    needless to say, that she moved after that

    I also would have stuff disappear at my castle
    when it was the original prefab, before the contests
    in one corner of the castle
    but I haven't had anything like that happen for awhile.
    This is very, very strange. Is it really so difficult to listen and help improve the game by fixing bugs
  • Covfefe said:
    show a screenshot of the floor below it, and floors above too


  • Covfefe said:
    I can't test at the moment because test center copy isn't avail right now.And i don't want to customize my own house because i'm too lazy to return everything.

    But are you saying that when you customize the house, the jewellery box is no longer locked down and doesn't go to the moving crate? If this is so, this must be a very big and bad bug.
    At the moment, I am ready to say that she is simply disappearing. as you can see from the screenshots, I don't have many things and it's quite difficult to get confused in them.
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited September 2023
    okay but what i am asking is, if you lock another jewellery box down, and you do the same customize to house, the new jewellery box is unlocked? or still locked down?

    I would test myself but i have too many things in my house i don't want to re-organize.
  • I have issues in EC where I try to lock something on a floor (anything higher than bottom) and I can't do so because of something interfering on the floor under it. Such as try to place something and won't go and when I click the open spot it says release, relocate and is showing the crates on the floor below it. Also times when I drop something on the floor and it disappears only to run down to the floor below and find it in one of the chests.
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