Arirang shard has disappeared

Arirang shard suddenly disappeared today.
I am very anxious because there has been no notice regarding this.

Please take action in this regard as soon as possible.


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    some posts have been removed, I'm sorry I wasn't online at the time they were posted. If Arirang is still down I'm sure it will be dealt with as soon as possible. At the time you posted the time in Eastern USA was 12.50am I'm not entirely sure who could help at that time, but not anyone who would have been reading this forum at that hour. You could, possibly, have tried logging in to another shard in the same time zone and paging a GM?  I am uncertain if that would help.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    It been down since at least 1:30pm CST yesterday. I would think they know and are working on it.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,671
    edited August 2023
    If a shard vanishing isn't reason for  developer communication what is.   
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