EM Events Impossible to get Boss Bar

styxstyx Posts: 20
edited August 2023 in General Discussions
@Mesanna and @Kyronix Would be too much to ask the EM's to allow us pull the bar of the Boss.
The amount of Dragons, 100+ Flying Thrower`s makes impossible to anyone see anything.
Than you have those people casting non stop (script maybe) the chivalry specials, It is really hard to do anything and if you CTRL+SHIFT for the bars, you will have all the Ev's and Colossus bars instead. so would be too much to ask the EM`s to give us some time to pull bar?


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    They need to make them on the Titan Models, When our EM uses those, we can see them.  Or let the Boss hover above the area for a few seconds so we can pull the bars.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KingKing Posts: 142
    ^^^  @Mesanna ;   @Kyronix ; and all EM's  ^^^

    Please make this happen, just enough time to regular non scripter players to pull their bar and also pls pls pls pls, remove the shaking screen from EC. We already have so much going on at the screen that we really dont need your monitor shaking  haha
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    They need to shard bound EM items that would solve the problem 
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    If the boss bar is *Impossible* to get....then how are people killing them??


    They are not impossible....99.9% of the time they spawn the boss in a location where it's unreachable for a few moments so people can pull it's bar.

    Most of the time, the graphic is rather large and easy to see....though some locations they chose for the final battle, using Alt/Tab doesn't show the bar, THAT is annoying.

    What I'd rather see is them NOT using the *Check all* feature for Boss attacks...having a boss pull you in and insta-kill you the minute you hit it is NOT fun...like say I put an RC on it...it pulls me in and kills me...and because my RC is still attacking it, it keeps pulling me in...and I'm dead...and I can't rez...because IT KEEPS PULLING ME IN!   LOL

    yeah so fix that please :)

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