Event Prologue: Conspiracist

EM MayhemEM Mayhem Posts: 132Event Moderator
edited September 2023 in Lake Superior
*you notice a strange gate by the bank, near where calls to arms usually appear*

*approaching the gate, you her the whispered voice beckoning you to enter: "Danger," it says quietly "Trinsic needs your help! Come find me nearby!"*


Something is afoot in Trinsic! Seek the mage Alonzo to learn more...

You have until Sunday, August 27th at 6pm CDT!


Each character you encounter will respond to hello, job and goodbye. 

Their stories will contain capitalized keywords to continue along. 

There are also many easter egg keywords that are not capitalized, but they should be somewhat obvious - however, they may not pertain to the character you're speaking with. 

You may have to go back and forth to various characters to piece together the whole story.

All the characters are in Trinsic proper, save one. Listen carefully for clues to their location...

EM Mayhem

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