This Is A top priorty bug that needs fixed ASAP
So I went and killed chicken lizards until I got 15 eggs. I put all 15
eggs into an incubator and watered them, next day same size so I
re-watered them again did this for 5 days none advanced all say moist.
So I removed all the eggs and put them in a new incubator days go by
still none advanced or grew all still say moist. stumped so I look up
again care for chicken lizard eggs, re reading post after post thinking I
missed something and found nothing no bugs reported nothing online
anywhere. I decided to re locate the incubator to the ground level
thinking its some sort of bug still nothing. I even turned the
incubator. This is in a ter mur house.
Any help would be appreciated
Thank You
Any help would be appreciated
Thank You
P.S. This is more important than any pet stable issues imho
