badly placed house
"In a recent newsletter, Mesanna gave an eviction notice to a house blocking a bridge,
can we please get this castle deleted? (or moved) instead of awarded a historical banner.
As it is obstructing in not 1 but 2 areas.
Felucca Atlantic. Marble island

Can't get past here even.

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It is common knowledge that this entire island belongs to the oldest guild on Atlantic, LLTS.
I got your back on exploit and bug fixes but you leave my shards history alone.
I only know of 1 house blocking a bridge and that is in trinsic. Those houses were being placed as early as 5-10 years ago when housing placement rules have already changed. There was an exploit to place improperly placed houses around then as well.
These houses are most likely grandfathered (5 houses per account) and properly placed for the housing rules in that time period 97-2000(?). See the pic with no space between houses.
The only thing on marble island are the LLTS homes and the door to get to lost lands champ spawns and it's not blocked.
So no sense making a stink about homes that have been properly placed for 25+ years.
If these houses classify into the improperly placed rules of today, the devs need to accommodate the fact they were placed 22-26 years ago, long before they even became a part of this game.
Devs should accommodate not inconvenience. Especially if housing rules are to be changed on the fly.
those old grandfathered homes need to remain until the Owner moves or deletes them.
If this is the trinsic house, Atl has been dealing with this for ages now. The easiest fix is to move the damn bridge and go on with life instead of making this an issue over and over.
The Marble Island homes were placed at a time when housing rules were relaxed. Changing the rules now is absurd.
I wouldn't bother me a bit if they delete the entrance to lost lands and built a custom dock around the entire island. Lifetime respectful players like that deserve the extra reward.
Not once in my pvp years has anyone complained about these houses. In fact, we had some fantastic pvp choke fights there when the greatest pvpers to ever grace this game played.
The bigger difference, those players were told to move their house from the bridge on multiple occasions and refused.
Let the police do the policing.
Maybe spend some time making a paragraph of something positive. That will take you months and you will forget about these houses you have and will never see.
I have a properly placed tower that has a castle offset behind it. The original old style castle had the small set of steps in front of it that did not land directly behind the tower. Then it was changed to a custom design that has front steps that stretch across the entire front of the castle. This changed the five tile spaces, required now between front and back of houses, to only 4 tiles between the front of the castle and back of the tower. Now the tower reads as improperly placed.