Everyone is leaving

I have had five hardcore vets all tell me they are leaving the game,various reasons but the majority is because the game doesn't have players.

I hope you all find what you are looking for.


  • PaladinBobPaladinBob Posts: 53
    idoc website for month or more has had a TON of idocs. Been noticing more and more not playing thats for sure
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,240
    edited July 2023
    I don't blame them. There hasn't really been anything new to do/work towards for Vets that have stuck around and actively played. I'm guessing they are like me where they have played all the other events over the past few years so they had 95% of the Krampus/Artisan rewards (if they wanted them) and Spring event rewards (besides Mutluks) so there really hasn't been anything "new" to interest them in well over 6 months. 

    I haven't logged into the game, outside of maybe checking a game mechanic before I post about it, to play since the beginning of May because there isn't anything new to do. Sure I could do some of the older content like peerless, Doom, etc but I've done all those things so many times over the past 5-10 years, all it takes is like 30min for me to become bored. A big part of that boredom comes from not having a reason to do X older content; if I don't need Peerless/Doom/Roof rewards there really isn't any reason for me to play that content. Like some of the hardcore vets mentioned in the OP, I've also stopped the auto-renew on my 6 month game time a month or 2 ago for the lack of fresh content. If there isn't something new to interest me or entice me to play, I don't see a reason to pay a subscription. I have even noticed a decrease in the forum traffic lately. I'll go a day or two without checking post and when I do check it out there might only be a few threads with a handful of posts mainly from the same 3-4 people. I feel like it's been less active over the past few month but maybe that is just me.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2023
    “I blame the forum mods for people leaving the game.
    nothing gets fixed, as evident - no bug fixes in publish 115 at all 
    because forum mods keep closing/deleting information on bugs 

    I think it is a bit much for a returning player to have to watch a 40 minute video on complicated instructions on how to install a version of uo that you can play to fix missing nerve strike debuff issue etc.
    and when they finally do get it set up, they have lots of other technical issues.

    Ban me for saying this conservative view but I still think you should be able to visit uo.com, download classic client and play.

    People keep asking me when they are going to fix shurikens or the potion thing where cheaters can chug a cure etc and not lose spell cursor. 
    I have no clue, I receive no feedback, all I can do is try to report issue and try to get as much information past the forum mods to devs as possible.

    but try not to lose heart, devs do know what they are doing. 
    I thought they had not fixed an exploit with evasion and a shield properly, but turns out they did full fix on that, very good job, and pvp community were very grateful.
    but they did not publish when it was fixed”

    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • PaladinBobPaladinBob Posts: 53
    keven2002 said:
    I don't blame them. There hasn't really been anything new to do/work towards for Vets that have stuck around and actively played. I'm guessing they are like me where they have played all the other events over the past few years so they had 95% of the Krampus/Artisan rewards (if they wanted them) and Spring event rewards (besides Mutluks) so there really hasn't been anything "new" to interest them in well over 6 months. 

    I haven't logged into the game, outside of maybe checking a game mechanic before I post about it, to play since the beginning of May because there isn't anything new to do. Sure I could do some of the older content like peerless, Doom, etc but I've done all those things so many times over the past 5-10 years, all it takes is like 30min for me to become bored. A big part of that boredom comes from not having a reason to do X older content; if I don't need Peerless/Doom/Roof rewards there really isn't any reason for me to play that content. Like some of the hardcore vets mentioned in the OP, I've also stopped the auto-renew on my 6 month game time a month or 2 ago for the lack of fresh content. If there isn't something new to interest me or entice me to play, I don't see a reason to pay a subscription. I have even noticed a decrease in the forum traffic lately. I'll go a day or two without checking post and when I do check it out there might only be a few threads with a handful of posts mainly from the same 3-4 people. I feel like it's been less active over the past few month but maybe that is just me.
    usually those new posts are locked .lol
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,382
    edited July 2023
    Why are players leaving UO? Yes, it’s mostly long time players but take a look at the age of player base.  Most are not leaving by choice.  Fewer posters here than a year ago, fewer players around the bank than a year ago, fewer players at major events, weekly auction ended for lack of participants and less for sale on vender search.  It’s not that hard to figure out.  Most players are still playing, like before, because they have houses, they enjoy the game and they have long term friends here, They are not leaving voluntarily.  That is my opinion anyway. 

    Do agree the player base is declining. UO markets itself almost exclusively to the existing player base, and to a much lesser extent to past players with the hope of getting them back into the game.  It does not do anything to attract new players and appears oblivious to their needs.  It has not dealt with past decisions that have a negative impact on and discourage newer players from playing the game.  So my conclusion is that there are not that many new players around to leave the game.  I really don’t know what UO’s game actually is about.  Just assume it’s a team oriented game.  But do know that I am getting tired of being disadvantaged just because I have not played for 20 years.

    Don’t agree with all of the negative comments about this forum.  Developers could show more interest in it.  I agree with that.  But overall feel that the moderator does a pretty good job of running it.  That’s not to say I always agree with her, but both players and the moderator have provided me with information that has helped me play the game better, and both respond to most issues raised quickly.  Overall think it is a good forum.

  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Arnold7 said:
     Fewer posters here than a year ago

    That one is easy to understand. Most are sick of the same few people beating the same dead horse.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,153
    Marge said:
    Arnold7 said:
     Fewer posters here than a year ago

    That one is easy to understand. Most are sick of the same few people beating the same dead horse.
    So asking for communication is the problem?  Rather than Mesanna  unwillingness to do so? 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2023
    "they spend more time (therefore money) dealing with the administration of banning people complaining about 5 year+ bugs, than it would take to instead just fix bugs, especially when some are just spelling mistakes or wording issues.

    They hiring 2 forum moderators 24/7 to make sure we don't post about nerve strike debuff,
    how much it would instead cost them to hire an artist for 20 mins to make one?

    or even here i make for free you can have this debuff so people don't need to download 3rd party to fix"

    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,382
    No, asking for communication is not a problem; just fewer posters posting now and the constant beating of the same dead horses.  Agree developers should be responding more so maybe some of the dead horses could Rest In Peace.  Mesanna responds when she can but so often now these posts become attacks on her and other posters.  
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Arnold7 beat me to the answer I was going to give.
  • SaulGoodman1SaulGoodman1 Posts: 285
      Mesanna responds when she can but so often now these posts become attacks on her and other posters.  

    when was the last time this witch that ruined the game responded to anyone?
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,416
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 352
    Not really leaving, but two of my accounts are now EJ. That leaves just two paying accounts, one of those will close in a few days. That will leave just my main. I'm sure they wont miss the 30 bucks though. Nothing new, bugs not even looked at. Bots running (yes, I report) most things. Gold seller price wars. I am kind of giving up. Oh well, other games to play.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,416
    We always have people leave during the summer and they come back in the fall/winter.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,453
    It’s a lot more empty this summer. And the idocs rate is unreal. 
  • Perhaps they're upset at the troll problem.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,153
    Perhaps they're upset at the troll problem.
    The problem is you think anyone with an issue that ask for communication is a  troll 
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Marge said:
    Arnold7 said:
     Fewer posters here than a year ago

    That one is easy to understand. Most are sick of the same few people beating the same dead horse.
    This sums it up for me for the most part.

    I still play the game daily, but really tire of hearing the same stuff from certain posters while also hearing nothing from the Broadsword team. 
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,240
    dvvid said:
    Marge said:
    Arnold7 said:
     Fewer posters here than a year ago

    That one is easy to understand. Most are sick of the same few people beating the same dead horse.
    This sums it up for me for the most part.

    I still play the game daily, but really tire of hearing the same stuff from certain posters while also hearing nothing from the Broadsword team. 
    I also tire of seeing some of the same trolls on the forums but I don't think that's the reason people are leaving the game (forums maybe but not game). The forum might be good for a one-off sort of question if someone is having trouble finding it (or doesn't feel like combing through a dozen outdated threads) but there isn't a ton content here (outside of the wiki) that is going to make or break game play. 

    The main problem is the lack of fresh things to do in the game so people don't actively play. Instead of playing the game, I just come check out the forum to see if there have been any sort of updates (sometimes asking for updates) or answer some questions. It's actually pretty easy to ignore the trolls on here though; when you see the same people saying the same thing over and over you just skip reading their posts and move to the next. That said, if there was actually new content to play or a bunch of new worthwhile rewards to do old content then I'd spend more time actually playing the game and less time looking/asking for updates; as I'm sure many others would.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,269
    People continue to make noise because they're flat out being ignored and i can understand the aggravation. 

    I can't say i've ever heard of a company that has almost completely stopped speaking to their customers before. It's kind of comical, kind of sad and kind of infuriating at the same time.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    Grimbeard said:
    Marge said:
    Arnold7 said:
     Fewer posters here than a year ago

    That one is easy to understand. Most are sick of the same few people beating the same dead horse.
    So asking for communication is the problem?  Rather than Mesanna  unwillingness to do so? 
    Why do you assume these posters are saying you are the troll? Feel guilty? Since no names or content of troll posts were mentioned.

    They may have meant, I am the troll...
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,453
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 867
      Mesanna responds when she can but so often now these posts become attacks on her and other posters.  

    when was the last time this witch that ruined the game responded to anyone?
    Coming from a family with multiple generations of people who fought against fascists and fascism. With some never coming back and all the others never again the same as they once were.  And living in a time where fascists are a real concern in our country. I can't believe you had the nerve to recently call mods on these boards fascists. I resented the comment deeply and it wasn't even directed at me. I thought then, if it were within my power, I'd make sure you never posted here again. Call me a fascist now, mfer. Honest to God you make me feel like slapping you silly.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,453
    Ya the venom here is really getting out of control. If I was A Mod here Id be doing more bans and lock / deleted threads. the none stop complaining isn't helping anyone especially any return/new players.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    Skett said:
    Ya the venom here is really getting out of control. If I was A Mod here Id be doing more bans and lock / deleted threads. the none stop complaining isn't helping anyone especially any return/new players.
    Agree. Mods need to take charge and make this a place of peace where players can get answers. Move the complaints to a Discord channel where all the like minded can pat each other on the back for coming up with the best whining and stating of the obvious. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SaulGoodman1SaulGoodman1 Posts: 285
    Yes, Mods should make the forum less inclusive. Its worked so well up till now.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,240
    Skett said:
     the none stop complaining isn't helping anyone especially any return/new players.
    I understand where you are coming from but I really doubt there are many "new" players coming here these days. As a few others have said, UO is a pretty niche game that someone in their 20's or early 30's (ie the console Call of Duty people) probably isn't going to seek out, unless maybe they know someone else who plays (like a parent). There are some returning players that seem to stick around a while but either become overwhelmed/bored/uninterested and usually fade out.

    I think there is a subset of players that could probably be considered something like "hardcore vets" and that is probably most of people here (and others that just play but don't ever come here). These are the players that have multiple accounts all paid for. I'm not sure what the Dev team has planned but personally, THAT is probably who should be catered to because those are the people that keep the lights on. If they start losing those type of players that have multiple subscriptions, they are going to need exponentially more players to re-join (or start playing) to make up for the loss. They might want to consider doing what they can to keep who they have because at some point if they lose enough the game won't be around.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,453
    That sounds about right.

    I just don't think the name calling and insults are doing anyone any good, or asking the same question over and over for years. They will let us know when its time to pull the plug here.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 867
    Skett said:
    That sounds about right.

    I just don't think the name calling and insults are doing anyone any good, or asking the same question over and over for years. They will let us know when it’s time to pull the plug here.
    I know you’re right but he just pisses me off so bad. I’d delete it but the clock ran out. That said, I meant it. Sooo *shrug* Perhaps a mod could get rid of my post for me. 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2023
    "should not get to stage where people have to resort to negativity,

    customer pays for product
    customer reports bug
    supplier fixes bug

    shouldn't really have to get to stage where customer resorts to bomb threats or whatever it is that gets them banned, or moreover people just playing a different game or free shard instead.

    something that would prob take 3 mins to fix escalates and escalates"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
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