House Customization (Walls, Tiles)

MortusCucumbusMortusCucumbus Posts: 21
edited May 2018 in General Discussions
I think this is a great feature of Ultima however i am sure my ideas are fairly common thoughts to us when designing our homes.

I find it frustrating when i find a nice wall, a nice plain marble wall, with no crazy details on it one of a kind,... 2 colours... why? why can't we pick the colour? would it honestly change that much the game would be destroyed? give me a generic plain wall i can colour with tub colours.. please!!! same goes with floor tiles. we could have a few types of plain tiles one with a pattern on it! woah!? 

i think its a very simple suggestion that would blow the customization in ultima out of this facets.

Any like-minded individuals think this would be a worthy contribution to house customization?

if this does happen.. im going hot pink with artic blue floor.. its settled. this current setup despite the direction stone walls are going with the limited to only dull copper and needing dyes etc. why even have a house cusomization mode? i mean its so limiting. i get 1 house per account i want it AWESOME looking... 

oh and goza's; awesome for temp floors for hacking the placement and breaking apart house add-ons but i think the deco tool needs a fix to raise a set amount per use so it doesn't take 40 years for people to add another gimp floor to their castles with goza's that should just be a store bought feature anyway. 

thanks for reading. 

I love ultima.


  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    First and foremost, I would prefer they actually flesh out the tile sets currently available. There is so much more they could do within what they have to make customization so much better.

    Second of all, I personally am against your suggestion. I feel all the bright neon colours do not need to be added to house customization. People have come up with hundreds, if not thousands of amazing and creative designs with what we have. It's not that limiting if you use your imagination. 

    Some people have also managed to create some decidedly hideous houses, but by adding the ability to make walls and floors such colours is both unrealistic and would make many houses a complete eyesore. It doesn't need to be blindingly bright to be unique.

    The neon colours have taken something away from UO as is, and allowing people to make giant neon Borg cubes would definitely have a massive effect on immersion for me.
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