EC: missing cooldown timer for animal lore and animal taming
Similar to the issue here:
The animal lore and animal taming skill don't trigger the hotbar cooldowm timers.
The animal lore and animal taming skill don't trigger the hotbar cooldowm timers.
textparsing.lua, add the below to TextParsing.TimersNbuff
Moderator, feel free to move to the bugs subforum -- BUT I've read the "General Discussions" may get more reading attention from the developer(s), however (reference: link)?
-- animal lore
if (SystemData.TextID == 500328 ) then -- What animal should I look at?
HotbarSystem.SkillDelayTimeMax = 1
HotbarSystem.SkillDelayTime = 1
-- animal taming
if (SystemData.TextID == 502789 ) then -- Tame which animal?
HotbarSystem.SkillDelayTimeMax = 12
HotbarSystem.SkillDelayTime = 12
Moderator, feel free to move to the bugs subforum -- BUT I've read the "General Discussions" may get more reading attention from the developer(s), however (reference: link)?
Why don't you provide some Icon pictures and teach those with EC how to make these timers that YOU need?
As long as you do not use my code fragment: you will not get an additional icon on the buff bar. What you will get are already showing icons getting a cool down timer effect
But can someone make more UO looking icons for these?