
LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,025
edited April 2023 in General Discussions

I’m not having all that $#it talked about me and then not offering a rebuttal. So, here's the reply I was creating when the thread got locked.


I don’t expect you to understand, Cookie. I fully expect you’ll completely ignore the obvious. Which is, absolutely nothing else changes in the effort it takes to train up your avatar or pet regardless of how skill caps are raised.

I'll bet I've had to dedicate a lot more time than many have when training up characters, because I don't use a lot of blues and pinks either.

Asking for a fix that makes binding scrolls something players will actually do, because it’s been changed to something worth doing, is not tantamount to asking for everything else to be easily handed to you. It’s not like you eat a chivalry scroll and poof! You’re at 120 Chivalry.

You omit or ignore most of what I’ve said and instead try to claim that wanting a change to how skill caps can be raised or how scrolls are obtained could only come from a lazy Trammie, unwilling to work for anything. Don’t get it twisted. Yours is the weak argument. And you’re the one crying me, me, me!

Obviously, I’ve put in the time to create and train a cast of characters I use when I play at anything in UO. Me taking long or short breaks from the game, in-between the times I use those characters, has absolutely zero to do with any additional character development. And zero to do with how those characters may or may not raise their skill caps.

You and gay are both making assumptions about me based on nothing but thin air and a few comments I made on power scrolls. You’ve commented on the kind of person I must be. How I invest an inadequate amount of time in UO. How I'm not willing to put in the work. How I must not connect with other players properly when I do play. I’m sure I’m missing a few things here.

Gay, you want to see the post I wrote as someone who's expressing entitlement. When the material point I was trying to make is there was never a time I hated living and playing in Felucca until the world split in two and they killed Felucca. People who don't pvp and now have housing in Trammel, are often framed as Felucca facet and Felucca player haters. I am not that. I have never been that. And again, me thinking a change to how players can raise skill caps has nothing to do with any of the crap you talked about me.

Cookie said:
Yes, I play this game around the clock, it is integrated into my life, I talk to my guild in Discord the whole time, yet still somehow, I manage to have a life 

Let me help you to look at it another way, Cookie. Wouldn’t how you've spoken to me in the other thread be sort of like me reading what you say above here, and claiming what a big old lazy slob you must be? And how you must have a dirty, messy house, because I'm sure you can't be a productive person in real life, when all you do is play UO around the clock?

Feel free to lock this thread too. Or don't lock it. Or whatever. I don't really care.



  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,690
    Honestly it was still very civil and the mods sometimes need to realize we're adults. We are also bored and frustrated with the game I'd suggest adding recycled rewards to the black market 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited April 2023
    "re-opening a closed thread i think is against ToS,
    it was already done once, i think just asking for trouble to re-open a second time.

    If it was me, i'd have been perma banned so fast"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • drcossackdrcossack Posts: 145
    LilyGrace said:

    Thing is, Cookie was NOT wrong.  How many years have we seen the "add scrolls to Tram" talking point?  I get that things take time, which people may not always have.  For the group I ran it with, Shadowguard being just over an hour was a heavily optimized run for the setup (and number of accounts) we used.  Post-revamp Doom (a full circuit) took us 10-15 minutes.

    I don't play other shards often enough to know how things are done there - my primary shards are LS & Atlantic.  On Atlantic, if I go to UWB, Shadowguard, or w/e else that's endgame, it gets done without any issues.  On LS, I remember doing one Travesty run and they were completely unaware of the boss needing to be within a certain range so it could transform into players.

    Ok, people DO have to learn how to do encounters, especially when they're new.  I did too.  But a lot of the time, I think the difference is in our approach.  I will look at an encounter, see how it works during the first run, then bring whatever is the most optimum template for it (for Shadowguard as it was before the bug fixes, that was Tamers, because they never triggered additional mobs.)

    Another issue is probably the solo player mentality.  Which I myself am guilty of.  Even in UO's "easy" pvm content, I have more fun farming with a group than I do when it's just me using my 3 clients by myself.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited April 2023
    @LilyGrace ;   I never specifically called you out, as 'not wanting to learn pvp', it was a general statement, even though i was quoting @Grimbeard ; (the vast majority of the time I quote anyone, it's for context) -cause he mentioned "pvpers get cameos & trammies don't get better".

    However, judging by your reaction,  It seems more accurate now, I know it's accurate with some of you, even if it's not specifically with you /anyway.
    LilyGrace said:
    These are two perfect examples of what's so frustrating about some of you. You think you're these big tough Feluccians and the rest of us are wimpy Trammies with weak mindsets. Or we're lazy Trammies looking for an easy button. Seriously, @$#% all the way off.

    Covenant, get lost with your trammies don't want to learn to pvp. And you too, gay, with your 'mindless drone' BS..
       Hehe, yea I'm all big and bad, "Mr High-roller" cause I learned pvp like everyone who doesn't whine about powerscrolls did... /sarcasm.

      It sure as hell looks like the "Easy button" and the ability to completely avoid pvp is what some of you are asking for...   even though you can often do spawns on Atlantic (the most populated / active shard) and not be raided.   just the mere possibility scares them off..  It's absurd.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited April 2023
    LilyGrace said:

    I’m not having all that $#it talked about me and then not offering a rebuttal. So, here's the reply I was creating when the thread got locked.


    I don’t expect you to understand, Cookie. I fully expect you’ll completely ignore the obvious. Which is, absolutely nothing else changes in the effort it takes to train up your avatar or pet regardless of how skill caps are raised.

    I'll bet I've had to dedicate a lot more time than many have when training up characters, because I don't use a lot of blues and pinks either.

    Asking for a fix that makes binding scrolls something players will actually do, because it’s been changed to something worth doing, is not tantamount to asking for everything else to be easily handed to you. It’s not like you eat a chivalry scroll and poof! You’re at 120 Chivalry.

    You omit or ignore most of what I’ve said and instead try to claim that wanting a change to how skill caps can be raised or how scrolls are obtained could only come from a lazy Trammie, unwilling to work for anything. Don’t get it twisted. Yours is the weak argument. And you’re the one crying me, me, me!

    Obviously, I’ve put in the time to create and train a cast of characters I use when I play at anything in UO. Me taking long or short breaks from the game, in-between the times I use those characters, has absolutely zero to do with any additional character development. And zero to do with how those characters may or may not raise their skill caps.

    You and gay are both making assumptions about me based on nothing but thin air and a few comments I made on power scrolls. You’ve commented on the kind of person I must be. How I invest an inadequate amount of time in UO. How I'm not willing to put in the work. How I must not connect with other players properly when I do play. I’m sure I’m missing a few things here.

    Gay, you want to see the post I wrote as someone who's expressing entitlement. When the material point I was trying to make is there was never a time I hated living and playing in Felucca until the world split in two and they killed Felucca. People who don't pvp and now have housing in Trammel, are often framed as Felucca facet and Felucca player haters. I am not that. I have never been that. And again, me thinking a change to how players can raise skill caps has nothing to do with any of the crap you talked about me.

    Cookie said:
    Yes, I play this game around the clock, it is integrated into my life, I talk to my guild in Discord the whole time, yet still somehow, I manage to have a life 

    Let me help you to look at it another way, Cookie. Wouldn’t how you've spoken to me in the other thread be sort of like me reading what you say above here, and claiming what a big old lazy slob you must be? And how you must have a dirty, messy house, because I'm sure you can't be a productive person in real life, when all you do is play UO around the clock?

    Feel free to lock this thread too. Or don't lock it. Or whatever. I don't really care.

    I am loving your responses, honestly, very passionate :)
    Quite happy that you re-started the thread after it was locked haha, I often feel like doing the same :D

    Just get yourself to Felucca, and solve all your issues :)

    I have had major disagreements with Gay - especially on 1 certain topic - but really, he is spot on in every single response, so are a lot of the other guys, DrCossack, Covenant etc.

    If I am omitting stuff - it is genuinely because there is a lot to read through and respond to, and I cannot cover it all - so I am trying to hit the major points.

    {"I don’t expect you to understand, Cookie. I fully expect you’ll completely ignore the obvious. Which is, absolutely nothing else changes in the effort it takes to train up your avatar or pet regardless of how skill caps are raised.

    I'll bet I've had to dedicate a lot more time than many have when training up characters, because I don't use a lot of blues and pinks either."}

    I'm going to respond to this bit, as this now seems to be the part you consider important. I do like a lot of your attitude re the old days, and I get it - although, nothing in my mind makes a person play from Trammel. :) But fair enough, I get the tree's part etc. I admire that you are doing everything, the old, hard way these days. BUT. You say, it still changes nothing about raising skills etc. Raising Skills of course - used to be the hard grind in UO. These days, you can chose to do it or not. For most players these days, this part of the game, is just in the way of actually playing the game content - there are ways and means, to raise all skills extremely fast. The point being - when you say, Nothing else changes re Raising Skills, for most players, and the way the game is played today, this is a moot point.  It cannot really be put towards the Powerscroll argument, as raising skills is just a small part these days, although yes, admittedly for me, it takes longer than it should, for me, it gets in the way of me playing the game tbh, because I want to be doing endgame content, I consider I have trained all the skills the hard way, the first few times around.

    {"Let me help you to look at it another way, Cookie. Wouldn’t how you've spoken to me in the other thread be sort of like me reading what you say above here, and claiming what a big old lazy slob you must be? And how you must have a dirty, messy house, because I'm sure you can't be a productive person in real life, when all you do is play UO around the clock?"}.

    I love this bit so much, my guild would love you, come and join us. Europa Wraiths. :)

  • gaygay Posts: 407
    edited April 2023
    Your argument is going in an asinine loop and it literally started because you had to make yourself the center of every post made after your post in a thread that didn't belong to you.

    I've made my points as clearly as possible and it's not my fault you choose to take them as direct and personal attacks or insults. Every single piece of advice anyone has sent to you as been met with the same exact jaded response of "okay so you're saying that I HAVE TO DO THIS SPECIFIC THING AND DEDICATE SOO MUCH to get what I want!?" and clearly you're unwilling to accept anything other than the handout you're looking for.

    In the last 24 hours I've had eight people DM me agreeing with the points made, three of which have stated that I shouldn't waste my time trying to explain them to you because you are known for such pedantic and borderline childish behavior. Now as my points have been made as clearly as possible in a way that any reasonable adult can understand them, I'll take the advice of those three and stop wasting my time by participating in your efforts to derail threads while playing the victim.

    Have a beautiful day.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,140
    edited April 2023
    drcossack said:
    LilyGrace said:

    Thing is, Cookie was NOT wrong.  How many years have we seen the "add scrolls to Tram" talking point?  I get that things take time, which people may not always have.  For the group I ran it with, Shadowguard being just over an hour was a heavily optimized run for the setup (and number of accounts) we used.  Post-revamp Doom (a full circuit) took us 10-15 minutes.

    I don't play other shards often enough to know how things are done there - my primary shards are LS & Atlantic.  On Atlantic, if I go to UWB, Shadowguard, or w/e else that's endgame, it gets done without any issues.  On LS, I remember doing one Travesty run and they were completely unaware of the boss needing to be within a certain range so it could transform into players.

    Ok, people DO have to learn how to do encounters, especially when they're new.  I did too.  But a lot of the time, I think the difference is in our approach.  I will look at an encounter, see how it works during the first run, then bring whatever is the most optimum template for it (for Shadowguard as it was before the bug fixes, that was Tamers, because they never triggered additional mobs.)

    Another issue is probably the solo player mentality.  Which I myself am guilty of.  Even in UO's "easy" pvm content, I have more fun farming with a group than I do when it's just me using my 3 clients by myself.

    The thing is, that the argument was NOT about adding 120 Powerscrolls to Trammel but, rather, a very, ve r y , VERY , reasonable request to add 115 Powerscrolls to Treasure Chests.... guess where ?

    In FELUCCA which it is where Powerscrolls spawn in Treasure Maps Chests !!

    And this, to finally make binding making sense towards getting a 120 rather then pretending that players could do it off of 110s as of now, which is, to my opinion, an unreasonable proposition....

    It would still take a significant effort and time in order to be able to gather the needed number of "matching" 115s to bind into a 120 and certainly doing Champion Spawns would still be a much faster way to get 120s..... still, at least, with 115 spawning in Treasure Chests binding into 120s would become possible, not like with 110s which is our of a realistic expectation....

  • drcossackdrcossack Posts: 145
    popps said:
    drcossack said:
    LilyGrace said:

    Thing is, Cookie was NOT wrong.  How many years have we seen the "add scrolls to Tram" talking point?  I get that things take time, which people may not always have.  For the group I ran it with, Shadowguard being just over an hour was a heavily optimized run for the setup (and number of accounts) we used.  Post-revamp Doom (a full circuit) took us 10-15 minutes.

    I don't play other shards often enough to know how things are done there - my primary shards are LS & Atlantic.  On Atlantic, if I go to UWB, Shadowguard, or w/e else that's endgame, it gets done without any issues.  On LS, I remember doing one Travesty run and they were completely unaware of the boss needing to be within a certain range so it could transform into players.

    Ok, people DO have to learn how to do encounters, especially when they're new.  I did too.  But a lot of the time, I think the difference is in our approach.  I will look at an encounter, see how it works during the first run, then bring whatever is the most optimum template for it (for Shadowguard as it was before the bug fixes, that was Tamers, because they never triggered additional mobs.)

    Another issue is probably the solo player mentality.  Which I myself am guilty of.  Even in UO's "easy" pvm content, I have more fun farming with a group than I do when it's just me using my 3 clients by myself.

    The thing is, that the argument was NOT about adding 120 Powerscrolls to Trammel but, rather, a very, ve r y , VERY , reasonable request to add 115 Powerscrolls to Treasure Chests.... guess where ?

    In FELUCCA which it is where Powerscrolls spawn in Treasure Maps Chests !!

    And this, to finally make binding making sense towards getting a 120 rather then pretending that players could do it off of 110s as of now, which is, to my opinion, an unreasonable proposition....

    It would still take a significant effort and time in order to be able to gather the needed number of "matching" 115s to bind into a 120 and certainly doing Champion Spawns would still be a much faster way to get 120s..... still, at least, with 115 spawning in Treasure Chests binding into 120s would become possible, not like with 110s which is our of a realistic expectation....

    You already have two ways to get 115's (that don't involve purchasing them):

    1) Running champ spawns for yourself and hoping they drop.
    2) Taking the 110s you get from killing the 6 bosses and binding them up.

    It's 2023.  There are shards where you can even pull off a HARROWER without being raided.  During primetime hours, no less.  Just don't expect to be able to do it without a group.  Coincidentally, the same applies to the other champ spawns.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited April 2023
    popps said:

    The thing is, that the argument was NOT about adding 120 Powerscrolls to Trammel but, rather, a very, ve r y , VERY , reasonable request to add 115 Powerscrolls to Treasure Chests.... guess where ?

    In FELUCCA which it is where Powerscrolls spawn in Treasure Maps Chests !!

      Both ways, still detracts more and more purpose from champ spawns (in fel),

    you can get 15s & 20s from T-maps (in fel) by using scroll binders on all the 10s you get,
    Better yet, You can also pin-point the exact type of scrolls you want based on the type of map.(making it EASIER already, than a complete roll of the dice at spawns)  how much more of an easy button do you want?  -if you don't utilize this method, why do you keep asking for even easier ones?     you pull a cameo from shadowguard, you can afford to buy nearly 1 of each scroll.

    I feel like I'm f--king taking crazy pills here, with the lack of thought put into what some of you say.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    There is really no reasonable rate of return on trove and hoard chests I have done in Fel.  The pinks might actually be better than the chests I do elsewhere but the blues are the same as the ones I get anywhere else.  The 110’s just fill up scroll book I put them in.  They are wroth less than the blues and the pinks.  I could put them in scroll binders but based on probabilities I would likely have to do 1,000 chests or more to get a single 115.  Has anyone ever figured the probabilities?  This topic comes up all the time.  Knowing UO now as well as I do, if the developers actually decided to put 115 scrolls in these chests, they would likely make the chests unplayable and then we would be complaining about that.  So be careful what you wish for.

    We are all one with the game when we play it regardless of which world we play in.  It is immaterial which world a player prefers to play in.  It’s a game.  We play it because we enjoy it and it becomes a part of all of us that play it.  Nongamers don’t often understand that which can make it difficult for those of us that play.  But a least here we do.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited April 2023
    Look - if the conversation is about T Maps. The entire loot table needs an upgrade.

    The same for VvV.

    The same for most Dungeons.

    The same for Crafting, and many BoDs rewards, and Imbuing etc etc.

    But don't get all of that, confused with powerscrolls.

    I'm not a fan of the current Armour property set-up etc, think it needs a complete rethink, but still nothing to do with powerscrolls. Don't mess up the 1 system that is still working. (probably because it was kept away from Trammel). Again, look at the Siege ruleset and economy, still working.

    I believe, if they had kept all PvM loot out of Trammel, most loot systems, and the economy would be in a lot better shape.
  • TimTim Posts: 841
    Cookie said:
    Look - if the conversation is about T Maps. The entire loot table needs an upgrade.

    The same for VvV.

    The same for most Dungeons.

    The same for Crafting, and many BoDs rewards, and Imbuing etc etc.

    But don't get all of that, confused with powerscrolls.

    I'm not a fan of the current Armour property set-up etc, think it needs a complete rethink, but still nothing to do with powerscrolls. Don't mess up the 1 system that is still working.
    Power scroll system may be working for you.
    But from the number of times this thread comes up it obviously isn't working of a great number of players.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited April 2023
    Tim said:
    Cookie said:
    Look - if the conversation is about T Maps. The entire loot table needs an upgrade.

    The same for VvV.

    The same for most Dungeons.

    The same for Crafting, and many BoDs rewards, and Imbuing etc etc.

    But don't get all of that, confused with powerscrolls.

    I'm not a fan of the current Armour property set-up etc, think it needs a complete rethink, but still nothing to do with powerscrolls. Don't mess up the 1 system that is still working.
    Power scroll system may be working for you.
    But from the number of times this thread comes up it obviously isn't working of a great number of players.
    It's working for the game, not me.

    It gives the longevity the game needs. I know you want it all now, so you can make us all quit tomorrow...

    All they need to do, is delete Trammel, get rid of the players who cannot handle that, and the rest of the players problems will be fixed, as they suddenly realise it is all possible, and we have been giving them the correct advice all along. It will be a revelation for you all.

    I think my posts may need trigger warnings in the current social environment :)
  • TimTim Posts: 841
    Get rid of all the player who don't agree with you and it will be a perfect game except for 1 problem.
    Only one player.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    Tim said:
    Get rid of all the player who don't agree with you and it will be a perfect game except for 1 problem.
    Only one player.
    Not at all, the majority think like me :)

    We have just never shouted as loud, or swamped the Devs with ridiculous proposals.
  • drcossackdrcossack Posts: 145
    Tim said:
    Cookie said:
    Look - if the conversation is about T Maps. The entire loot table needs an upgrade.

    The same for VvV.

    The same for most Dungeons.

    The same for Crafting, and many BoDs rewards, and Imbuing etc etc.

    But don't get all of that, confused with powerscrolls.

    I'm not a fan of the current Armour property set-up etc, think it needs a complete rethink, but still nothing to do with powerscrolls. Don't mess up the 1 system that is still working.
    Power scroll system may be working for you.
    But from the number of times this thread comes up it obviously isn't working of a great number of players.

    It's "Not working" for the people *****ing about it for ONE reason: They don't bother doing it.  I wouldn't think it much of a stretch to guess that most of them don't actually do ANY of the content in this game & don't actually know what goes on.  They just complain on the forums about how unfair everything is.

    I've run through spawn areas on various shards @ different times of the day.  Some during primetime hours.  NOBODY was running any of them.  I've even done Harrowers uninterrupted (though that was only once and it was on Legends.)  Early last month, there was a Destard spawn on LS that had been there literally all day.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,690
    Cookie said:
    Tim said:
    Cookie said:
    Look - if the conversation is about T Maps. The entire loot table needs an upgrade.

    The same for VvV.

    The same for most Dungeons.

    The same for Crafting, and many BoDs rewards, and Imbuing etc etc.

    But don't get all of that, confused with powerscrolls.

    I'm not a fan of the current Armour property set-up etc, think it needs a complete rethink, but still nothing to do with powerscrolls. Don't mess up the 1 system that is still working.
    Power scroll system may be working for you.
    But from the number of times this thread comes up it obviously isn't working of a great number of players.
    It's working for the game, not me.

    It gives the longevity the game needs. I know you want it all now, so you can make us all quit tomorrow...

    All they need to do, is delete Trammel, get rid of the players who cannot handle that, and the rest of the players problems will be fixed, as they suddenly realise it is all possible, and we have been giving them the correct advice all along. It will be a revelation for you all.

    I think my posts may need trigger warnings in the current social environment :)
    They did this and Siege a ghost town

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited April 2023
    Grimbeard said:
    They did this and Siege a ghost town

    People naturally gravitate towards instant gratification - Trammel  - whether it is good for them or not.

    They did go a bit extreme with some of the other rules in Siege.

    But the point is, Siege still works from a game mechanics perspective, whereas Trammel does not.

    Players complained, they got Trammel, the game got ruined, they got what they wanted and still complain...?
    When do they stop complaining?
    Maybe we should stop listening to them?
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,690
    I'm willing to fish or pirate anywhere just update the content 
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    Grimbeard said:
    I'm willing to fish or pirate anywhere just update the content 
    That's completely fair enough. Of course content gets old and destroyed fast in Trammel.

    Are you bored of Easter Eggs, or Ilshenar Champ spawn yet?

    Just over-farmed, with no limiting factors. 2 weeks time, you will want more content.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,690
    After one day
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited April 2023
    Grimbeard said:
    They did this and Siege a ghost town

      you're not wrong, but the economy of siege is amazing considering it's been around nearly as long as the rest of UO. -I am considering playing there again.  but i never did like the skill-gain system there, and you can't recall/sacred journey... but i guess the recall/sacred journey thing also hinders the bot capability to a degree as well...

    You know, when pvpers aren't around to take care of em.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,690
    CovenantX said:
    Grimbeard said:
    They did this and Siege a ghost town

      you're not wrong, but the economy of siege is amazing considering it's been around nearly as long as the rest of UO. -I am considering playing there again.  but i never did like the skill-gain system there, and you can't recall/sacred journey... but i guess the recall/sacred journey thing also hinders the bot capability to a degree as well...

    You know, when pvpers aren't around to take care of em.

    Closed economy the healthiest humm maybe transfers are bad
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    That too, and it's a big one.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "games are supposed to be hard,

    Angry birds is very popular game, and everyone who plays it hates it"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,140
    edited April 2023
    drcossack said:
    popps said:
    drcossack said:
    LilyGrace said:

    Thing is, Cookie was NOT wrong.  How many years have we seen the "add scrolls to Tram" talking point?  I get that things take time, which people may not always have.  For the group I ran it with, Shadowguard being just over an hour was a heavily optimized run for the setup (and number of accounts) we used.  Post-revamp Doom (a full circuit) took us 10-15 minutes.

    I don't play other shards often enough to know how things are done there - my primary shards are LS & Atlantic.  On Atlantic, if I go to UWB, Shadowguard, or w/e else that's endgame, it gets done without any issues.  On LS, I remember doing one Travesty run and they were completely unaware of the boss needing to be within a certain range so it could transform into players.

    Ok, people DO have to learn how to do encounters, especially when they're new.  I did too.  But a lot of the time, I think the difference is in our approach.  I will look at an encounter, see how it works during the first run, then bring whatever is the most optimum template for it (for Shadowguard as it was before the bug fixes, that was Tamers, because they never triggered additional mobs.)

    Another issue is probably the solo player mentality.  Which I myself am guilty of.  Even in UO's "easy" pvm content, I have more fun farming with a group than I do when it's just me using my 3 clients by myself.

    The thing is, that the argument was NOT about adding 120 Powerscrolls to Trammel but, rather, a very, ve r y , VERY , reasonable request to add 115 Powerscrolls to Treasure Chests.... guess where ?

    In FELUCCA which it is where Powerscrolls spawn in Treasure Maps Chests !!

    And this, to finally make binding making sense towards getting a 120 rather then pretending that players could do it off of 110s as of now, which is, to my opinion, an unreasonable proposition....

    It would still take a significant effort and time in order to be able to gather the needed number of "matching" 115s to bind into a 120 and certainly doing Champion Spawns would still be a much faster way to get 120s..... still, at least, with 115 spawning in Treasure Chests binding into 120s would become possible, not like with 110s which is our of a realistic expectation....

    You already have two ways to get 115's (that don't involve purchasing them):

    1) Running champ spawns for yourself and hoping they drop.
    2) Taking the 110s you get from killing the 6 bosses and binding them up.

    It's 2023.  There are shards where you can even pull off a HARROWER without being raided.  During primetime hours, no less.  Just don't expect to be able to do it without a group.  Coincidentally, the same applies to the other champ spawns.
    It is NOT enough.

    As indicated by many posts in these threads discussing this, there is plenty players who, because of the widespread use of hidden, stealthing free EJ scripted BOT Cams, see no point in running Champion Spawns since the odds of getting Raided are way too high.

    As in regards to your point # 2, the issue is NOT binding 110s into 115s, but, to get to 120s from 110s (which of course goes through 115s....).

    Simply put, it takes way, but WAAAAAAY too much time to get 120 x matching 110s needed for a 120 binding. So much time, that it becomes unreasonable, to my opinion.

    Different it would be, if one could use matching 115s to bind into a 120.

    Sure, it would still take effort and time, but at least, with 115s, it could become realistically feasible while with 110s, at is it now, it is unrealistic, IMHO.

    So, is my argument, the Developers ( @Kyronix ? ) should add 115s to Treasure Chests so as to finally permit a viable  way that is alternative to doing Champion Spawns to get to 120s through binding.

    Doing Champion Spawns would still be a quicker way, for those who do them, to 120s, but at least, those players not doing Champion Spawns, whatever their reasons, would then have a viable way to get to 120 Powerscrolls through the binding of 115s found in Treasure Chests that is a possible alternative.

    There is no "empty" Shard with Raiding Guilds now having most of their Members having developed PvP characters on several Shards or having many among their Members having access to Shard Shields.... with hidden, stealthing free EJ BOT Cams all over the place reporting to Discord Channels, there are Guilds who can be active, raiding most "empty" shards in very little time, assuming that enough of their Members are online at the time that the spawn is being done.

    And, if they do not have a sufficient number of Members online to raid that Spawn, some PvP Guilds ask for backup from members of other Guilds, should they be onine.... they even gang up with competing PvP Guilds so as to put together a sufficient number of Raiders....

    I am sorry, but, really, hidden, stealthing free EJ BOT Cams that ring bells on Discord Channels need to go, and for good.....their ability to be used as BOT Cams need to be terminates, once and for all, me thinks.

    THEN, at least players could have a chance to do a Spawn without being raided.... but as of now, it is pointless to do spawn since the chances to be Raided, regardless on what Shard it is, are way too high because of the existance of these BOT Cams.
  • drcossackdrcossack Posts: 145
    edited April 2023
    popps said:
    drcossack said:
    popps said:
    drcossack said:
    LilyGrace said:

    Thing is, Cookie was NOT wrong.  How many years have we seen the "add scrolls to Tram" talking point?  I get that things take time, which people may not always have.  For the group I ran it with, Shadowguard being just over an hour was a heavily optimized run for the setup (and number of accounts) we used.  Post-revamp Doom (a full circuit) took us 10-15 minutes.

    I don't play other shards often enough to know how things are done there - my primary shards are LS & Atlantic.  On Atlantic, if I go to UWB, Shadowguard, or w/e else that's endgame, it gets done without any issues.  On LS, I remember doing one Travesty run and they were completely unaware of the boss needing to be within a certain range so it could transform into players.

    Ok, people DO have to learn how to do encounters, especially when they're new.  I did too.  But a lot of the time, I think the difference is in our approach.  I will look at an encounter, see how it works during the first run, then bring whatever is the most optimum template for it (for Shadowguard as it was before the bug fixes, that was Tamers, because they never triggered additional mobs.)

    Another issue is probably the solo player mentality.  Which I myself am guilty of.  Even in UO's "easy" pvm content, I have more fun farming with a group than I do when it's just me using my 3 clients by myself.

    The thing is, that the argument was NOT about adding 120 Powerscrolls to Trammel but, rather, a very, ve r y , VERY , reasonable request to add 115 Powerscrolls to Treasure Chests.... guess where ?

    In FELUCCA which it is where Powerscrolls spawn in Treasure Maps Chests !!

    And this, to finally make binding making sense towards getting a 120 rather then pretending that players could do it off of 110s as of now, which is, to my opinion, an unreasonable proposition....

    It would still take a significant effort and time in order to be able to gather the needed number of "matching" 115s to bind into a 120 and certainly doing Champion Spawns would still be a much faster way to get 120s..... still, at least, with 115 spawning in Treasure Chests binding into 120s would become possible, not like with 110s which is our of a realistic expectation....

    You already have two ways to get 115's (that don't involve purchasing them):

    1) Running champ spawns for yourself and hoping they drop.
    2) Taking the 110s you get from killing the 6 bosses and binding them up.

    It's 2023.  There are shards where you can even pull off a HARROWER without being raided.  During primetime hours, no less.  Just don't expect to be able to do it without a group.  Coincidentally, the same applies to the other champ spawns.
    It is NOT enough.

    As indicated by many posts in these threads discussing this, there is plenty players who, because of the widespread use of hidden, stealthing free EJ scripted BOT Cams, see no point in running Champion Spawns since the odds of getting Raided are way too high.

    As in regards to your point # 2, the issue is NOT binding 110s into 115s, but, to get to 120s from 110s (which of course goes through 115s....).

    Simply put, it takes way, but WAAAAAAY too much time to get 120 x matching 110s needed for a 120 binding. So much time, that it becomes unreasonable, to my opinion.

    Different it would be, if one could use matching 115s to bind into a 120.

    Sure, it would still take effort and time, but at least, with 115s, it could become realistically feasible while with 110s, at is it now, it is unrealistic, IMHO.

    So, is my argument, the Developers ( @ Kyronix ? ) should add 115s to Treasure Chests so as to finally permit a viable  way that is alternative to doing Champion Spawns to get to 120s through binding.

    Doing Champion Spawns would still be a quicker way, for those who do them, to 120s, but at least, those players not doing Champion Spawns, whatever their reasons, would then have a viable way to get to 120 Powerscrolls through the binding of 115s found in Treasure Chests that is a possible alternative.

    Sent a DM to @gay earlier.  It ended with the following statement:

    "Couple friends and I usually pop 1-2 harries a week on atl for a fight, 80% of the time we get no fight, the harrower sits there for over 12 hours, and someone will come in right after server reset to kill it."

    So please, do go on about how you can't do spawns when a Harrower ON ATLANTIC can sit there for HALF A DAY and nobody bothers with it.

    The fact remains that you are more than capable of getting a group together and finishing a spawn quickly, before you get raided.  You just don't want to do it, so you want an easy button.  How about you try what I've suggested in this reply (get off the forums, find a group, and farm spawns) instead of these ridiculous ideas that the devs are never going to implement?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,140
    CovenantX said:
    popps said:

    The thing is, that the argument was NOT about adding 120 Powerscrolls to Trammel but, rather, a very, ve r y , VERY , reasonable request to add 115 Powerscrolls to Treasure Chests.... guess where ?

    In FELUCCA which it is where Powerscrolls spawn in Treasure Maps Chests !!

      Both ways, still detracts more and more purpose from champ spawns (in fel),

    you can get 15s & 20s from T-maps (in fel) by using scroll binders on all the 10s you get,
    Better yet, You can also pin-point the exact type of scrolls you want based on the type of map.(making it EASIER already, than a complete roll of the dice at spawns)  how much more of an easy button do you want?  -if you don't utilize this method, why do you keep asking for even easier ones?     you pull a cameo from shadowguard, you can afford to buy nearly 1 of each scroll.

    I feel like I'm f--king taking crazy pills here, with the lack of thought put into what some of you say.
    What part of the argument that it is UNREALISTIC and UNREASONABLE to expect players to gather 120 x "matching" 110s from Treasure Maps is not clear ?

    To gather 120 matching 110s to bind into a single 120 powerscroll, it means having hundreds and hundreds of Treasure Maps (all in Felucca, mind you, the other facets do not carry powerscrolls in the chests...) before one can get 120 x "matching" 110s to bind into a single 120.

    And that means, not only the time to get as loot hundreds upon hundreds of felucca treasure Maps but, also, the time to search for hundreds and hundreds of Treasure chests locations AND the time to fight the Guardians for hundreds and hundreds of digged up Treasure Chests.

    Sorry, but to me it looks unrealistic, unreasonable and an absurd request that players were to bind use 110s from Treasure Maps as it is to bind into 120s.

    Different it would be, if 115s where added to Treasure Chests spawning in Felucca.

    While it would still require a significant effort and time, at least, with 115s made available to Treasure Chests, it would then become more realistic and feasible to gather thorough Treasure Hunting 10 x matching 115s and bind them into a 120.

    It would still take many Felucca Treasure Maps in order to gather 10 x matching 115s from them, and still a considerable time but, at least, it would become feasible, and not an impossible task as it is with 110s.

    And it would not take anything away from Champion Spawns since it would still be much faster to do Champion Spawns for those who do them, to get 120s...

    But at least, such a Design change (adding 115s to Treasure Chests in Felucca) would be a move in the right direction towards all those players who need 120s for their characters and pets but, whatever their reasons, do not do Champion Spawns.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,140
    edited April 2023
    Tim said:
    Cookie said:
    Look - if the conversation is about T Maps. The entire loot table needs an upgrade.

    The same for VvV.

    The same for most Dungeons.

    The same for Crafting, and many BoDs rewards, and Imbuing etc etc.

    But don't get all of that, confused with powerscrolls.

    I'm not a fan of the current Armour property set-up etc, think it needs a complete rethink, but still nothing to do with powerscrolls. Don't mess up the 1 system that is still working.
    Power scroll system may be working for you.
    But from the number of times this thread comes up it obviously isn't working of a great number of players.
    Well said.

    Powerscrolls work for that minority of players controlling their Spawns, not for all that majority of players left out from them and having to then engage into mindless and alienating grinds in order to earn the outrageous gold necessary to satisfy the greed of that minority controlling the Champion Spawns who holds a monopoly on them....

    It is called a "Monopoly" and it is considered VERY bad for the economy, usually, considered that most countries have usually anti-trust Governmental Agencies to "break" such Monopolies....

    Because they are BAD for the economy and artificially increase prices and, consequentially, inflation...

    Ultima Online is no different, to my opinion....

    Permitting a minority of players to control Champion Spawns and thus the flow of Powerscrolls into the economy of the game promotes the MONOPOLY of them and, thus, artificially inflates prices.

    Adding 115s to Treasure Chests would be a good and valid way, to my opinion, to "break" this Monopoly and to help that majority of UO players left out from Powerscrolls to have a viable alternate way to get their 120s without having to engage into mindless and alienating grinds to earn the gold necessary to satisfy the greed of that minority of players who have a tight Monopoly on the spawn of Powerscrolls (also thanking to the widespread possible use of hidden, stealthing free EJ scripted BOT Cams.....).

    Because, eventually, forcing players to have to engage into alienating, mindless "grinds" to earn ridicolously high amount of gold to then afford purchasing 120 powerscrolls, can result in many among these players to then get "burnt out" and loose interest in the game and no longer want to log in UO.... and the game then looses players.....

    @Kyronix , what do the Developers want.... that players can enjoy playing UO and thus were to continue logging in the game, or that they get "burnt out" because forced by game mechanics and Design to have to engage into alienating "grinds" to have to earn ridicolously high amounts of gold in order to purchase 120s which they need for their characters and pets because a minority of players have been allowed to hold a Monopoly on the spawns of Powerscrolls ?

    Adding 115s to Felucca Treasure Chests would be a good thing, IMHO, for the better sake of UO.

    Break that damn Powerscrolls Monopoly held by a minority of players at the expense of a majority of UO players.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,140
    edited April 2023
    Cookie said:
    Tim said:
    Cookie said:
    Look - if the conversation is about T Maps. The entire loot table needs an upgrade.

    The same for VvV.

    The same for most Dungeons.

    The same for Crafting, and many BoDs rewards, and Imbuing etc etc.

    But don't get all of that, confused with powerscrolls.

    I'm not a fan of the current Armour property set-up etc, think it needs a complete rethink, but still nothing to do with powerscrolls. Don't mess up the 1 system that is still working.
    Power scroll system may be working for you.
    But from the number of times this thread comes up it obviously isn't working of a great number of players.
    It's working for the game, not me.

    It gives the longevity the game needs. I know you want it all now, so you can make us all quit tomorrow...

    All they need to do, is delete Trammel, get rid of the players who cannot handle that, and the rest of the players problems will be fixed, as they suddenly realise it is all possible, and we have been giving them the correct advice all along. It will be a revelation for you all.

    I think my posts may need trigger warnings in the current social environment :)
    I have had enough of this bashing of Trammel....

    The FACTS are, that Trammel and its implementation SAVED Ultima Online, regardless what Felucca supporters may think.

    Unfortunately, the original thread that was at I cannot seem to be able to access.... a search, though, brought up another Link here which, I seem to understand, talks about it 

    One can read :
    The unforgiving play environment that made UO so intense was clearly driving away between 70+% of all the new players that tried the game within 60 days. The changes we came up with to address this problem were a compromise, mostly driven by fiscal, technological and time reasons.
    I also learned from my UO experience that it's really hard to change a brand. Inherent in the UO brand was the fact it was a gritty, hard core world of danger. We were not successful in bringing back the (literally)100's of thousands of players who had quit due to the unbridled PvP in the world (~5% of former customers came back to try the new UO, but very few of them stayed). We discovered that people didn't just quit UO, they divorced it in a very emotional way. But we did keep more of the new players that came in by a large margin, significantly more than than the PvP players we lost.
    The good: After the change which broke the game space into PvP and PvE worlds, the player base and income nearly doubled (we went from 125k to 245k subs). So from a fiscal responsibility standpoint it was a totally winning move.
    From my understanding, PvP defined as "unbridled" was loosing a whole lot of players to UO, and the doubling of the servers into a PvP one called Felucca and PvE one called Trammel, actually saved Ultima Online.

    The introduction of Trammel may have possibly hurt the gameplay of a minority of PvP players who were enjoying hitting targets that were easy to attack (a large majority of players) because I can also read
    The bad: Without the "sheep to shear" the hard core PvP'ers were disenfranchised. They didn't like preying on each other (hard targets versus soft targets), and they became a smaller minority in the overall game. The real bad though was that the intensity and "realness" of the game for all players was diminished. This was the major unintended consequence.

    One would like to ask oneself, whether wanting easy targets to attack, may or not be real PvP.... to my opinion, it is not, PvP should be about a gameplay that brings in challenges, not revolving around targets that are an easy kill and fight.

    Instead, what I seem to understand is that may players doing PvP, after the implementation of Trammel, apparently, "....didn't like preying on each other (hard targets versus soft targets), and they became a smaller minority in the overall game. "

    I wonder, if this might be the reason because there is some players saying that Trammel killed UO.... perhaps because, after Trammel, the game no longer offered targets that were easy to attack and kill in the game ?

    Bottom line is, that I personally do not agree at all about Trammel having "killed" UO as some keep saying, instead, from my understanding of the words of a Developer who was there, back then, I understand that Trammel actully saved UO "....the player base and income nearly doubled (we went from 125k to 245k subs)...." with the consequence, that players doing PvP could no longer find targets that were as easy to fight and kill, but now had to fight each other.....

    So, to my understanding, it is a FACT that Trammel saved Ultima Online.
This discussion has been closed.