New Legacy

Ok, it has been 3 years since New Legacy has been announced.  

Is this still being developed?
Is there a timeline?
Or is it dead?


  • MacroPlanetMacroPlanet Posts: 117
    Theo said:
    Ok, it has been 3 years since New Legacy has been announced.  

    Is this still being developed?
    Is there a timeline?
    Or is it dead?
    Beginning to wonder myself. Far too long without any type of content or announcement from the developers. It's really a shame, to be honest. I feel like this game could have so much love and support, but this dev team just doesn't seem to have heart for UO anymore. Could it just be burn out? Time to pass the baton? Action speaks louder than words and we've gotten neither from Broadsword lately.
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 548
    Most recent update was in January in the newsletter:

    Peep that new Orc Tower

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    Seriously!! 2 years in and maybe alpha testing this year Seriously!! time for some show me ...
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    Grimbeard said:
    Seriously!! 2 years in and maybe alpha testing this year Seriously!! time for some show me ...

    It's actually been closer to 3 years at this point (original "big announcement" was slated for march 2020). We have seen weather & a new graphic for an orc tower in that time span. Oh and some banners... can't forget the banners.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    The team did have some down time with illnesses and I’m sure Covid effected them like everyone else was. 

    It would be nice to see a few more screen shots and an update. 

    I really hope they turn the seasonal weather On on all shards .
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    Skett said:
    The team did have some down time with illnesses and I’m sure Covid effected them like everyone else was. 

    It would be nice to see a few more screen shots and an update. 

    I really hope they turn the seasonal weather On on all shards .
    Yet they had plenty of time to desecrate players memorials and one person being out shouldn't shut down a project and covid shouldn't affect remote work like i said it's well past show me time 
  • RockoRocko Posts: 174
    I'm eagerly awaiting UO2.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    Don’t really have the time commitment to play NL and not sure BS has the staff to develop it anymore.  This game has a lot to offer as is, they just need to learn how to better offer it to players and to improve their commitment to players that get ripped off by the game itself. Just because the game accommodates players that enjoy taking advantage of other players does not mean all players fall into that catagory.
  • WhitewolfWhitewolf Posts: 253
    edited April 2023

  • WhitewolfWhitewolf Posts: 253
    Theo said:
    Ok, it has been 3 years since New Legacy has been announced.  

    Is this still being developed?
    Is there a timeline?
    Or is it dead?
    dude really? this game is so full of bugs and glitches thats been around for years, that either they refuse to fix or cant fix, what makes you think NL had any hopes of actually becoming a thing?
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    Skett said:
    The team did have some down time with illnesses and I’m sure Covid effected them like everyone else was.

    The "downtime" was Mesanna had some sort of wrist/arm surgery. Given that she is the project manager, not coder, this should have really only impacted us getting our monthly newsletter (which we still don't get monthly) but shouldn't have impacted much development since she could easily dial into a Zoom to ensure things are on target.

    I'll give them the entire 2020 year to use as an excuse for Covid (even though the rest of the world still found a way to operate)... besides a half dozen screenshots, we haven't seen much else for the other 2 years of development. This is the same excuse lazy people at most companies use when they don't feel like working... "oh no I have Covid and can't do work for the next 2 weeks"... meanwhile 2 days later they are going out to eat & hanging out with friends.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    I honestly believe if UO makes it in time they will finish NL the amount of idocs lately and lack of players on even after Anew event has been put up Is scary to say the least
    Pac is a ghost town most the peeps there have multiple multiple houses if we all only had one I bet you could find castle spots
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    edited April 2023
    I don't disagree. Although I will say that I haven't really done the new event outside the first few days (before we got the reward vendor) because I have all the rewards and do not need any others. The rewards are also cheap enough that you won't really get rich (you can make some gold if you work it though) so no need for me to grind it. I'm assuming I'm not the only person in that boat.
  • MacroPlanetMacroPlanet Posts: 117
    Whitewolf said:
    Theo said:
    Ok, it has been 3 years since New Legacy has been announced.  

    Is this still being developed?
    Is there a timeline?
    Or is it dead?
    dude really? this game is so full of bugs and glitches thats been around for years, that either they refuse to fix or cant fix, what makes you think NL had any hopes of actually becoming a thing?
    I just assumed the reason they were creating New Legacy was because the code in UO is so scrambled and messy from the hundreds of different people touching it through the last couple of decades, this would give them a way to create something the was easily managed.

    It's understandable if things are taking longer than normal, but what doesn't sit well with me is the years of silence we've pretty much had on this project. We get a tiny little update in an emailed newsletter with a couple of pictures, of what? I'm envious of other MMO's, such as Everquest, that have a team that seems like they care about the game and the players that still pay and play the game 24 years later. My question is why can't UO be like that?

    I don't want this game to go away. I want it to thrive for another couple of decades and I think that can easily be done if there was a little bit more care that goes into the game. 

    Right now it's beginning to feel like it's going into maintenance mode and that's not a good place for a MMORPG to be in as history would tell us.
  • My own argument is that it's best, artistically, if NL is dumped, and what they've developed for it is slowly bundled into the base game.

    From a business perspective, though....Well, I just don't know. I have to think that many players out there, likely even most of us, are similar to me in that they want to play the same characters over a long period of time. That's kind of the opposite of NL.

    However, I've noticed that some of the most-vocal among us seem to be surprisingly hyped for NL. And I fret for the ripple effect if they just pulled the plug.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,311

    Well, I just don't know. I have to think that many players out there, likely even most of us, are similar to me in that they want to play the same characters over a long period of time. That's kind of the opposite of NL.
    I was hyped for a classic until i saw the yearly wipe. It doesn't make sense to me. 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Urge said:

    Well, I just don't know. I have to think that many players out there, likely even most of us, are similar to me in that they want to play the same characters over a long period of time. That's kind of the opposite of NL.
    I was hyped for a classic until i saw the yearly wipe. It doesn't make sense to me. 
    To my understanding the Char is given a choice to Xfer to UO Prodo Shards or stay on NL and if you stay everything but the Char is wiped, not sure about the equipment/bank stays or not.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,311
    To my understanding the Char is given a choice to Xfer to UO Prodo Shards or stay on NL and if you stay everything but the Char is wiped, not sure about the equipment/bank stays or not.
    I took it as if you didn't xfer it would be wiped. Either way, why waste a whole year for anything to be wiped?
  • gaygay Posts: 407
    Urge said:
    To my understanding the Char is given a choice to Xfer to UO Prodo Shards or stay on NL and if you stay everything but the Char is wiped, not sure about the equipment/bank stays or not.
    I took it as if you didn't xfer it would be wiped. Either way, why waste a whole year for anything to be wiped?

    They're trying to copy the "season" hype most games do now. Except UO isn't setup to accommodate that with the exception that chr transfers exist. And it's players, like toddlers to their favorite rattles, are largely are not equipped to cope with something they touch being taken away from them.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,142
    Urge said:
    To my understanding the Char is given a choice to Xfer to UO Prodo Shards or stay on NL and if you stay everything but the Char is wiped, not sure about the equipment/bank stays or not.
    I took it as if you didn't xfer it would be wiped. Either way, why waste a whole year for anything to be wiped?
    Perhaps, because some players might consider the playing that is actually the fun, not really the reward that one gets ?

    If one looks at it this way then, the wiping after one year does not really matter because the playing and the fun time spent playing stays even if the rewards obtained get wiped.

    I guess, it is a matter of different playing goals among different players.

  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,311
    gay said:

    They're trying to copy the "season" hype most games do now. Except UO isn't setup to accommodate that with the exception that chr transfers exist. And it's players, like toddlers to their favorite rattles, are largely are not equipped to cope with something they touch being taken away from them.

    idk if i'd word it that way.

    Uo isn't like FPS games where you quest to get a gun. There's a LOT of dumb s**t associated with setting up for success here. Gathering regs, working skills, getting house add ons. It's not as simple as getting the end game gear and enjoying your time. 
  • RockoRocko Posts: 174
    It sounds to me like they are trying their version of classic UO and without much success.  Classic WoW and LOTRO had tons of interest and people re-subbing to play the old rule sets.

    Classic UO should be the T2A expansion, maybe Ilsh, and call it good.  One server, make it non-transferable (no shard shields, xfer in or out even from UO store).  Maybe even take it one step further and make it so no vet rewards are allowed except new "UO Classic Vet Rewards" that you get after 6 months or 1 year.

    This is something that could be coded, tested, packaged and delivered within a year given current resources.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Urge said:
    To my understanding the Char is given a choice to Xfer to UO Prodo Shards or stay on NL and if you stay everything but the Char is wiped, not sure about the equipment/bank stays or not.
    I took it as if you didn't xfer it would be wiped. Either way, why waste a whole year for anything to be wiped?
    To my understanding it was so you did not have to rework all your skills over again.  Your crafter can go gather resources and make you GM armor/weps so you are right back in the game.  This is UO at a simpler time when GM meant something.  I don't remember them saying how many chars we get per account so the multi count people will have an advantage here and will be able to help others just starting out.  The first char I made was a smith/miner/LJ and mined the mountains north of brit in the guard zone LOL  LOVED IT and this will be the first char I will make in NL to support a warrior and a tamer.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    Urge said:
    To my understanding the Char is given a choice to Xfer to UO Prodo Shards or stay on NL and if you stay everything but the Char is wiped, not sure about the equipment/bank stays or not.
    I took it as if you didn't xfer it would be wiped. Either way, why waste a whole year for anything to be wiped?
    To my understanding it was so you did not have to rework all your skills over again.  Your crafter can go gather resources and make you GM armor/weps so you are right back in the game.  This is UO at a simpler time when GM meant something.  I don't remember them saying how many chars we get per account so the multi count people will have an advantage here and will be able to help others just starting out.  The first char I made was a smith/miner/LJ and mined the mountains north of brit in the guard zone LOL  LOVED IT and this will be the first char I will make in NL to support a warrior and a tamer.
    No one questions all the unanswered questions they should have plenty of facts to share at this point yet we get nothing..
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Grimbeard said:
    Urge said:
    To my understanding the Char is given a choice to Xfer to UO Prodo Shards or stay on NL and if you stay everything but the Char is wiped, not sure about the equipment/bank stays or not.
    I took it as if you didn't xfer it would be wiped. Either way, why waste a whole year for anything to be wiped?
    To my understanding it was so you did not have to rework all your skills over again.  Your crafter can go gather resources and make you GM armor/weps so you are right back in the game.  This is UO at a simpler time when GM meant something.  I don't remember them saying how many chars we get per account so the multi count people will have an advantage here and will be able to help others just starting out.  The first char I made was a smith/miner/LJ and mined the mountains north of brit in the guard zone LOL  LOVED IT and this will be the first char I will make in NL to support a warrior and a tamer.
    No one questions all the unanswered questions they should have plenty of facts to share at this point yet we get nothing..
    They talked about this stuff in the videos
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    I’m still looking forward to it. I just wish I knew what was going on with it. 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,142
    Urge said:
    To my understanding the Char is given a choice to Xfer to UO Prodo Shards or stay on NL and if you stay everything but the Char is wiped, not sure about the equipment/bank stays or not.
    I took it as if you didn't xfer it would be wiped. Either way, why waste a whole year for anything to be wiped?
    To my understanding it was so you did not have to rework all your skills over again.  Your crafter can go gather resources and make you GM armor/weps so you are right back in the game.  This is UO at a simpler time when GM meant something.  I don't remember them saying how many chars we get per account so the multi count people will have an advantage here and will be able to help others just starting out.  The first char I made was a smith/miner/LJ and mined the mountains north of brit in the guard zone LOL  LOVED IT and this will be the first char I will make in NL to support a warrior and a tamer.
    I sure hope that New Legacy will be a Shard only for subscribed accounts and with only 1 character per account whereas crafting characters merely used to support figithing characters will not be possible.... unless one has multiple subscribed accounts, that is....

    But then, since NL, to my understanding, will all be about one's own character's popularity in the Realm, having a crafting character merely used in support of a fighting character will hardly make it possible for that crafting character to build up a significant fame and popularity....

    We'll see, it all depends on how things will be Designed to play out I guess.....
  • gaygay Posts: 407
    edited April 2023
    Urge said:
    gay said:

    They're trying to copy the "season" hype most games do now. Except UO isn't setup to accommodate that with the exception that chr transfers exist. And it's players, like toddlers to their favorite rattles, are largely are not equipped to cope with something they touch being taken away from them.

    idk if i'd word it that way.

    Uo isn't like FPS games where you quest to get a gun. There's a LOT of dumb s**t associated with setting up for success here. Gathering regs, working skills, getting house add ons. It's not as simple as getting the end game gear and enjoying your time. 

    UO actually is kind of that simple. It's not like people collect the regs they need, when they need them. They stockpile them, it's a basic and simple resource with multiple ways of getting them via npc purchases, treasure hunting, mob killing, and picking them up off the ground. You train your skills, there isn't much need for most house addons other than a forge, anvil, loom, and spinning wheel. And UO doesn't have an end game, it has a journey, and everyone's journey ends differently based on their own satisfactory goals. Now I don't like the proposed concept of New Legacy, but the idea of a seasonal UO isn't awful, and if done correctly could be a hit, however the average retail UO player lacks the mindset and mental/emotional threshold to actually be willing to commit themselves to a state of the game where if they die they might not get all their stuff back, and after a year, their journey with that character is over and it's time to restart. And if they were able to commit to it, then Siege wouldn't be as barren as it is.

    It's a greed complex, and it encompasses the trammel mindset of a player perfectly. Pre-tram what was the biggest gripe players had? That they ran the risk of being PKed while doing what they wanted to do (griefing and townkilling aside, this was more relevant with people wanting to hunt), then when trammel came out what happened? Did all these people who wanted their safe areas to hunt find their peaceful utopias? Absolutely not, the majority of them developed toxic and possessive mindsets wherein anywhere they planted their feet, they felt entitled to be the only person there. Harassment both verbal and physical quickly replaced the PK and has had an equal if not greater impact on the social structure of the game than PKing has had. I've never had the issue of pvpers getting so upset about pvp, that they offer $500 to anyone who can provide my IRL information to them in an attempt to dox and swat me. But I have had rares collectors attempt it all because they got caught doing something they shouldnt be doing, and were called out on it. I've never had any actual pvpers try to weaponize one of my family member's real life problems (who is completely unrelated to the game and has never played this game) that are outside of their own control against me when they lose at pvp, but I have had players who generally avoid and are afraid of actual pvp do it.

    UO is a simple game and it was even simpler during the era NL laughably proposes to re-create. (laughably because creating an pvp opt-in system to be attacked or be able to attack others who opt into it and calling it a felucca ruleset is not only laughable but an insult to the legacy of the game itself.)
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,025
    I hope to see what developers come up with. I'm not going to complain about how they've retrofitted 'old school' UO or how they've cobbled things together without playing and seeing if it's any fun.

    I wonder if grizzly bears will aggro on you again? They were wicked! Running through the woods around Yew to escape grizzly bears, fleshy pink gargoyles, and I think a spot where liches spawned too, was heart stopping! LOL
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    I know I wont play on a shard that gets erased once a year but im looking forward to seeing what its all about and hope some of the new things come to prodo
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