Would enhance potions attribute be useful to my thief?
Would the enhance potions attribute on Drogeni's Spellbook be useful to my thief? When my thief is removing traps on crates and chests in dungeons he occasionally gets hit with a powerful poison that he has to wait out because a greater cure potion is not strong enough to cure him. Would the greater cure potion get a enhancement that would cure him if my thief had Drogeni's Spellbook equipped?
Enhance Potions is an item property commonly found on jewelry. When a potion is used, its effectiveness will increase by the percentage of your cumulative Enhance Potions properties. Healing potions heal more points of damage, curing potions have a better chance to cure poison, etc. There is a cumulative equipment cap of 50%. If your character has the Achemy skill, an additional 1% bonus per 3.3 skill is granted, up to +30% at 99.0 Alchemy.
Since Publish 73, having the Alchemy skill also provides a minimum total Enhance Potions value equal to the skill divided by 2. The total Enhance Potions value for a character then becomes:
Effective EP = (Equipment EP (capped at 50) + Alchemy / 3.3) -or- Alchemy / 2 if it is higher.
100 Remove Trap
70 Magery
So it looks like having items with enhance potions attribute will have to do. Hopefully 50 points will be enough
When stealing I use a macro that frees up my hands, uses the stealing skill, then quickly drinks an invisibility potion. The macro has helped me steal stuff while surround by mobs.
Hi Tim.
It looks like you're not utilizing plus skill point items with the exception of a +10 stealth item?
Burglar bandana: +10 stealth +10 stealing +10 snooping
Mark of Travesty: +10 stealth +10 stealing
I use imbued jewels with +15 skill points on each since i use a -mage wep when caught red handed.
I would probably dump the med and go ahead and raise magery up. Take full advantage of plus skill items and do not worry about not having alchemy. Even 35ep with no alchemy will be plenty to get you by.
I reckon the real problem is that you have 40 med and 10 stealth which could really go to magery to help you out with curing. If you're only using magery sparingly or have +mana regen gear, you might not need meditation. 80 stealth is enough if you're wearing only mage armor. Magery helps with Arch Cure.
That said, I know almost nothing about playing a thief these days but enjoy the occasional thread about them!
Therefore, it would be "either" "or"....
And considering how a Burglar's Bandana is way, but way cheaper then the Mark of Travesty and comes with 10 skill points more, I do not see why one would ever want to use the Mark of Travesty...